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Saturday 2 July 2016

Kensal Green Cemetery Open Day.

A fascinating place Kensal Green Cemetery, such luminaries as Emile Blondin who tight rope  walked over Niagara Falls in 1859, Marc & his son Isambard Kingdom-Brunel, Princess Sophia fifth daughter of George III & the Duke of Cambridge (George William Frederick) who was C in C of the British Army from 1862 to 1895 plus many more!
Once a year the cemetery has an official open day, there's various stalls some guided tours, afew Goths milling around and this year some World War One re enactors. They were very interesting to talk to and as with all re enactors they knew their stuff! 
Very interesting place & well worth a visit.
Duke of Cambridges tomb
WW1 re enactors

Mjr Gen Sir George de Lacy Evans GCB. Fought in the American War of 1812, at Waterloo
commanded the 2nd Division in the Crimean War.

Marcus Antonius Waters late of the Royal Engineers, last surviving officer from Quatre Bras and Waterloo.

Memsahib near the Anglican Chapel expressing an opinion! 

Emile Blondin. Tightrope walker extraordinary.

Friday 1 July 2016

Somme 1916-2016.

This is a fuller version of my Facebook post of this morning.
On this day at 7.30am one hundred years ago whistles blew and soldiers went ‘over the top.’ The Battle of the Somme had started. It was the blackest of black days for the British Army with staggering statistics of nearly 20000 killed and 40000 wounded on the first day.

Both my Grandfathers took part in very different ways, one an infantryman went over the top into ‘Mash Valley’ where ‘no mans land’ was at one of its widest points of 700 yards. The other a cavalryman was waiting for orders to move to exploit the gaps that the infantry and artillery were supposed to make in the German lines so they could ride down the retreating boche. The gaps were never made and eventually the cavalry divisions were stood down. The regimental diaries  ( and bear in mind these diaries would have been written either in or very near the front line, often in pencil or sometimes typed) of the two regiments state the following:

William Morgan 4th from left , top row. Taken circa 1911.

Alfred Gowers taken circa 1949.

G2104 Private Alfred Gowers MM. 2nd Bn The Middlesex Regiment.

23rd Brigade, 8th Division.

‘The battalion in conjunction with the remainder of the 8th Division assaulted the German front line trench system between Ovillers la Boisselle & La Boisselle at 7.30am after an intense bombardment lasting 65 minutes. The assault was carried out in four waves, 50 yards apart. The leading wave consisting of two platoons of 'B' Coy and on the right two platoons of 'A' Coy. The second wave followed 50 yards distance consisting of the remaining platoons of 'A' & 'B' Companies. The third wave similarly consisted of 'D' and 'C' Coys followed the preceding waves at 50 yards distance the battalion bombers being distributed by squads amongst the 4 waves  the eight Lewis gun teams amongst the 2nd,3rd & 4th waves.
On the right was a battalion of the Tyneside Scottish belonging to the 34th Division and on the were the 2nd Devons R.  As soon as the leading wave left the trenches to assault it was caught by heavy machine gun fire & suffered heavy loses. As soon as the succeeding waves came under this fire they doubled forward & before anyone had reached the German front line the original wave formation had ceased to exist.

About 200 all ranks succeeded in reaching the German lines passing over the front line they entered the second line trenches but after a short fight during which about half became casualties they were forced to retire to the German front line. Here under the leadership of Maj HBW Savile , Capt & Adjt RJ Young, 2/Lieuts PM Elliott, W Spatz & HO Hunt the survivors proceeded to consolidate.  By 9.15am the handful of un wounded men numbering about a dozen were forced to retire to shell holes outside the enemy front line where the majority remained until darkness enabled them to regain our lines.

Of the 23 officers who took part only one returned unwounded, of the 650 NCOs’ and men who took part in the assault 50 answered their names in the early hours of 2nd July.’

My Grandad volunteered for the army  at the end of August 1914 ( he'd had an ignominious spell in the Royal Navy from 1905 until 1911) he served until March 1918 when he was invalided out he told me because of wounds but records say because of illness. A conundrum I'll never get a suitable answer to I think. I had a couple of very brief conversations with my Grandad about the war. He told me a little but didn't go into detail, I've learnt more about what he did through research rather than his words, but even into his 90's  ask him his army service number & without hesitation he'd bark it out!

D1901 Private William Morgan 1st (Kings) Dragoon Guards.

8th (Lucknow) Cavalry Brigade, 1st Indian Cavalry Division.

'The regiment received orders to remain in a state of readiness to move in two hours of notification.

The regiment marched at 5.30pm via Viske-Hansart-Barly-into new billets at Frochen Le Grand. 'A' Echelon under SSM Browning  arrived shortly after the Regiment. 'B' Echelon under 2nd Lieut JGK Barraclough marched via Haute Visee-Halte arriving at new billets at 11.30pm. Cpl Rogers 1st KD Gud's promoted 2nd Lieut with effect from 12/6/16 & posted to 15th Batt Royal Warwick Regiment after attending a course at the Cadet School.' 

My Grandad was a regular soldier having joined up in May 1908 & served in India from September 1908 until mobilisation for war in August 1914 travelling with their horses arriving at Marseilles on 8th Nov 1914. He stayed with the KDG's until late 1917 when the regiment was ordered back to India, rather ironically to the North West Frontier-Afghanistan, however my Grandad did not go with them. He was compulsory transferred to 15th Bn The Royal Warwickshire Regiment (on cavalry pay) where he remained until demob in early 1920.This included a spell on the Italian front which was only curtailed due to the big German offensive in March 1918 (Operation Michael) on the Western Front. Another conundrum is the fact that a cavalryman of 9 years experience was transferred to an infantry regiment. Surely his horsemanship could have been put to better use! His brother Percy was also in the KDG's and was a shoeing smith. I know little of what he did but assume it was similar to my Grandad  as they were both in 'D' Squadron.    My Grandad died before I knew he'd been a soldier let alone been in the First World War to his sons questions of trench life his stock answer was 'oh you don't want to know about that,'  and no more.

I have become more than a little obsessed with the First World War of late, being into genealogy as well I am very interested in ancestors who took part, both my Grandads survived  how they coped with what they saw I do not know, Tara had two Grt Grt Uncles who did not survive the war and another who survived but with the catastrophic  life changing injury of losing a leg. How did they cope? Another generation more used to hardship maybe though what choices did they have other than to get on with it? 


Wednesday 29 June 2016

Ralph.A dogs life.

Lost my best walking buddy yesterday.  We knew Ralphs days were numbered once the Vet told us the cancer was back but it didn't make it any easier. Considering the little monster he used to be ( we came within a hairs breadth of re homing him a few years ago) he turned out to be a grand little chap, a shame we didn't see more of this I suppose. He was about 2 weeks off 11 years.
He liked a few good sniffs to sniff and maybe a few people to say hello to ,but not other dogs! He liked a chew & any raw vegetables. He liked a walk and I will miss him.

Monday 27 June 2016

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: The Alec & Laura World Tour begins!

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: The Alec & Laura World Tour begins!: Well, they've done it, there're off on the first leg of their journey together. Got up at 5am, Tara ,Alec & I met up with Eilish...

The Alec & Laura World Tour begins!

Well, they've done it, there're off on the first leg of their journey together. Got up at 5am, Tara ,Alec & I met up with Eilish ,Laura & Kathy  at their house then off to Heathrow, Terminal 2.
Traffic was pretty good so got there about 6.45am. Seamus joined us at Heathrow to wish our adventurers 'Bon Voyage.' Coffee etc  consumed & it was all too early for them to go. As a joke I said 'come on now, time to sling your hooks!' and they did! Hugs, tears, more hugs & they went air side and we came away. First stop Cologne then change for a flight to Bangkok arriving about 5am local time.   We will miss them like I cannot describe and all our love and good vibes go with them for their great adventure.
Walking down to their departure.

Off they go air side.
Pre flight munches.
Back by 9am to book Ralph a vets appointment. He's bunged up after all the things he shouldn't have eaten on at the BBQ and has been prescribed some 'gunpowder' to get things moving!

Saturday 25 June 2016

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Friends

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Friends: Our best buddies Stan & Kas came up to visit for a couple of days this week, this was great as they were here for the A&L BBQ as wel...


Our best buddies Stan & Kas came up to visit for a couple of days this week, this was great as they were here for the A&L BBQ as well. They were going to  a wedding of one of Matt's friends who Stanley has known for years. Stan very kindly helped me get rid of some rubbish from the garden & also  did abit of heavy duty pruning  on Saturday afternoon & Kas was able to catch up with some of her family which was good.
The outfits Stan & Kas had for the wedding were brilliant! For those of you that remember 'The Fast Show' just think of 'Jazz Club' for Stans dress. Their apparel complemented each other perfectly and they both looked fab! They might pop in tomorrow I think enroute home otherwise it'll be the Cropredy Music festival in August when we next see them.
Jazz Club Stan does his thing!

Smashing couple.

The hats.

The Alec and Laura Farewell Tour reaches it's penulatment performance.

This was a gig of two parts. On Wednesday Alec, Laura, Gary, Ellie, Oliver and Laura joined us for dinner at home. We'd asked Alec & Laura what their fave dinner was & both said steak so I went to our local butcher , a proper butcher, and got some rump steak that was absolutely  delicious. My cooking didn't mullah it though by general consensus my attempt  at a rare steak turned out as medium rare, a little peppercorn sauce was requested and so Tara could try it as well I used veg stock instead of beef. I didn't have any as I think a good steak just doesn't need any accompanying sauce however it all went! Tara had a piece of salmon  steamed with a little smoked paprika, we all had home made 'healthy' chips ( cooked in the oven with just a little oil), fried onions  and mushrooms. A great night and a great laugh!
The second part was a BBQ ( they've another to go to tomorrow night!)in honour of A&L with the usual suspects invited plus just a few of their friends. No a huge 'do' by any stretch of the imagination  about 16 of us in total.
Oliver did a sterling job of working the BBQ. The food was very well cooked & delicious, also brought from our local butcher, Gary had brought over some drumsticks marinated  all sorts of goodies and were very good indeed , also an interesting potato salad  with a lemon twang to it and a very nice coleslaw. Ralph particularly  enjoyed the sausages. Unfortunately I dropped a pack of 12 enroute to the BBQ & Ralph was alot quicker than me!
Our dear Alec had been taken down the pub  for a few drinks by his boss as today was his last day until he returns.............Lets just say he was not maybe three sheets to the wind but there was quite a gale blowing him in that direction!
We all had a great evening with Ralph getting fed all sorts of things he shouldn't have been fed not surprisingly the next day he didn't eat much!
I said a few words which I believe hit the spot as some people made some very kind comments to me after. I don't mind admitting here  that it was an emotional night for Tara & I & I'm not too big to say I shed a tear or two. Alec and Laura will be away a long time & of course we'll miss them like mad and worry as well. I believe everyone had a good time as certainly nobody seemed in a hurry to go which was great. We asked guests to bring a bottle which they did in abundance, Alec and Laura's friends  are a really good bunch & it was a pleasure to host this get together.
I tried to take a selfie photo  with everyone  but unfortunately missed out Eilish & Jake, I'll get them another time! I haven't added all the photos here but they all appear on Facebook.
Dare I say a great night was had by all!
Mark & Alec

Tara & Mark

Our resident chef, Oliver.

Mark & Gary

Mark & Bigmon (Jack)

Bigmon, Alec & Dan.

Mark, Ella & Julian

Gary, Alec & Ralph

Alec & Laura.

The Alec and Laura Farewell Tour reaches it's penulatment performance.

This was a gig of two parts. On Wednesday Alec, Laura, Gary, Ellie, Oliver and Laura joined us for dinner at home. We'd asked Alec & Laura what their fave dinner was & both said steak so I went to our local butcher , a proper butcher, and got some rump steak that was absolutely  delicious. My cooking didn't mullah it though by general consensus my attempt  at a rare steak turned out as medium rare, a little peppercorn sauce was requested and so Tara could try it as well I used veg stock instead of beef. I didn't have any as I think a good steak just doesn't need any accompanying sauce however it all went! Tara had a piece of salmon  steamed with a little smoked paprika, we all had home made 'healthy' chips ( cooked in the oven with just a little oil), fried onions  and mushrooms. A great night and a great laugh!
The second part was a BBQ ( they've another to go to tomorrow night!)in honour of A&L with the usual suspects invited plus just a few of their friends. No a huge 'do' by any stretch of the imagination  about 16 of us in total.
Oliver did a sterling job of working the BBQ. The food was very well cooked & delicious, also brought from our local butcher, Gary had brought over some drumsticks marinated  all sorts of goodies and were very good indeed , also an interesting potato salad  with a lemon twang to it and a very nice coleslaw. Ralph particularly  enjoyed the sausages. Unfortunately I dropped a pack of 12 enroute to the BBQ & Ralph was alot quicker than me!
Our dear Alec had been taken down the pub  for a few drinks by his boss as today was his last day until he returns.............Lets just say he was not maybe three sheets to the wind but there was quite a gale blowing him in that direction!
We all had a great evening with Ralph getting fed all sorts of things he shouldn't have been fed not surprisingly the next day he didn't eat much!
I said a few words which I believe hit the spot as some people made some very kind comments to me after. I don't mind admitting here  that it was an emotional night for Tara & I & I'm not too big to say I shed a tear or two. Alec and Laura will be away a long time & of course we'll miss them like mad and worry as well. I believe everyone had a good time as certainly nobody seemed in a hurry to go which was great. We asked guests to bring a bottle which they did in abundance, Alec and Laura's friends  are a really good bunch & it was a pleasure to host this get together.
I tried to take a selfie photo  with everyone  but unfortunately missed out Eilish & Jake, I'll get them another time! I haven't added all the photos here but they all appear on Facebook.
Dare I say a great night was had by all!
Mark & Alec

Tara & Mark

Our resident chef, Oliver.

Mark & Gary

Mark & Bigmon (Jack)

Bigmon, Alec & Dan.

Mark, Ella & Julian

Gary, Alec & Ralph

Alec & Laura.

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Norfolk

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Norfolk: A night away in Norfolk this week & stayed at the 'Dabbling Duck' in Great Massingham. It was very nice. Some good beers enticed...


A night away in Norfolk this week & stayed at the 'Dabbling Duck' in Great Massingham. It was very nice. Some good beers enticed me to the bar (like I needed encouragement!) and I found the delightful 'Worth the Wait' a local beer brewed  by Beeston Brewery near Kings Lynn. Quite citrusy and refreshing ( you can find me in most gutters at the weekend suitably refreshed) at 4.2% not too pokey for a mid week couple of pints. 
As usual the high spot of a business night away is the dinner and this pub didn't let me down. Asparagus to start, cooked so it was tender but not tough with a hollandaise 'custard' & confit egg and a piece of crisp bacon. Photo is abit dark but I think you can make it out. Main meal was a  steak burger with bacon jam & cheese with dripping chips and a little coleslaw. Delicious and very filling so I missed out on pud. 
Back to my room that overlooked the village green, I'd been up very early this morning so I hit the sack around 10.30pm & slept though until about 8am. A good old Full English Breakfast set me up for the day & off I went.


Wednesday 22 June 2016

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: London to Brighton Bike Ride

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: London to Brighton Bike Ride: Up early yesterday morning to take Oliver, three work colleagues & four bikes to Clapham Common for the start of the London to Brighton ...

Monday 20 June 2016

London to Brighton Bike Ride

Up early yesterday morning to take Oliver, three work colleagues & four bikes to Clapham Common for the start of the London to Brighton bike ride in aid of the British Heart Foundation.
Found our bike rack buried in the depths of the garage ( I must clean that out!) and it fitted the car OK. Got to Hemel for 6.30am & set off about fifteen minutes later arriving at Clapham Common at around 7.45am.
A very clear run down the M1 & all through London , it was great! Definitely the best time to travel. I took the attached photo before I wished them luck and pottered off, back home for about 9am & took some more of Gary's stuff over to his & Ellies new abode, back to walk Ralph then a cuppa. Delicious!
 The bike ride took Oliver 4 hours and 20 minutes. Its 56 miles so I reckon that's pretty good going he even cycled up Ditchling Hill near Brighton which looks a killer! His text said they were just getting their van sorted for the return journey & then repairing to a pub for a well earned pint & dinner. He raised the best part of £300 for the British Heart Foundation so a really good effort.
Oliver, Mark, Mariad and Colin.

Sorting bike out before the off. 

Fathers day presies.
Oh , I nearly forgot, it was Fathers Day as well. Got a box of red wine from Oliver ( a very nice looking Cabernet Sauvignon), a vinyl Quo album from Alec which is great ( The 1982 Album celebrating 20 years of Status Quo) and a text  from Gary saying I'll get my presie when they are back. So that's Sunday then!

Sunday 19 June 2016


The latest  series of the BBC's Springwatch has now finished & I for one think the series was great. A  friend of our good friends in Kent who probably knows more or at least as much as the 3 presenters added together hates the programme & I do get why. There's certainly an element of dumbing down to encompass everyone and there is afew daft things done or said. The trouser rubbing for instance (you'll only get that if you watch it) and of course a similar dumbing down happened with another of my faves Time Team. I believe it is one of the reasons that Prof Mick Aston left the series. I appreciate sometimes you just have to keep re inventing things to keep them fresh & continue to get more viewers but in my humble opinion the Time Team formula worked & didn't need tinkering with. On the whole I found Springwatch  fascinating programmes & I look forward to the next series.

Saturday 18 June 2016

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Berkshire Arms

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Berkshire Arms: Had the chance of a night away with the Memsahib which is always nice but had to tackle the dear old M25 on a Friday afternoon ,only got hel...

Berkshire Arms

Had the chance of a night away with the Memsahib which is always nice but had to tackle the dear old M25 on a Friday afternoon ,only got held up for about half an hour but it seemed longer. Reached our destination in the village of Midgham  about 4pm. The sun was shining, the beer garden beckoned , as they do and of course we gave in . Greene King London Glory was my tipple and very good it was too. An amber beer with a good hoppy taste, 4.1% so ok to have a couple I think!
Late afternoon turned to evening and we repaired to our room to change for dinner. Table booked for 8pm though we were able to sit down a little earlier, all the staff were great. Efficient and friendly, I stayed on   London Glory mainly because it was good but also their other offerings  were IPA that I can have anywhere really and Purple Reign that wasn't on. Memsahib had bitter shandy but then went onto coke.
Our starter was an easy decision, baked Camembert  and what do you know , they actually had gluten free bread for the Memsahib, things are looking up! This was really good & very filling! To the mains then. I was nearly my usual predicable self & had fish and chips but in a moment of inspiration I went for the chicken and chorizo pie with sweet potato chips and veg. Another plus point for this establishment was the fact that T had a choice of  at least half a dozen items to choose from!  Doesn't sound like a big deal? The next time you're out check how many vegetarian & wheat free dishes are on the menu.
T plumped for the fish pie which looked and smelt delicious. Well, we thoroughly pigged out on the mains but of course it would have been rude not to at least peruse the pud menu.   We were both pretty stuffed so a nice brandy liquer  coffee seemed like a good idea.....which it was. Replete and now tired we called it a day & went to bed. Of course by next morning we were hungry again and tucked in a full English for me & poached  eggs on wheat free toast for T. Then home to load up the car to take some more of Garys gear over to his new abode while they are away. However on returning home I found a cupboard I hadn't looked in with more of his stuff still to go. Bugger!
The afore mentioned London Glory.

Very good pie.

Fish pie.

Both Liquer coffee's quaffed!

Sunday 12 June 2016

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: 12th June 1916

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: 12th June 1916: Still continuing my search into our ancestors involvement in World War One. I've downloaded (at a cost!) the regimental diaries of both ...

12th June 1916

Still continuing my search into our ancestors involvement in World War One. I've downloaded (at a cost!) the regimental diaries of both of the regiments my Grandfathers served in to see what they might have been doing 100 years ago today.
G2104 Private Alfred Gowers 2nd Bn The Middlesex Regiment.
'In Trenches.Battalion relived by  2/Royal Berkshire Regiment at 4pm withdrew to Henencourt Wood camp in Divisional Reserve.'
The 2/Middlesex had been in the trenches around Ribert since 8th June.Henencourt was a rest area for troops behind the lines around the Somme area.
D1901 Private William Morgan 1st (Kings) Dragoon Guards.
The Regiment had been at Sericourt ( Pas de Calais area) since 11th May and nothing is noted in the diary for 12th June. They would remain here until the end of the month when they moved for the great offensive on the Somme.

Walks with Ralph

Up early this morning, after a leisurely breakfast Ralph told me it was time for a walk. Unfortunately summer seems to have buggered off again so we left the house in rain, it had just about stopped when we got to where we were going to walk around the Pitstone  Hill area near Ivinghoe. 
Always a pleasurable walk around this area no matter which route you take, we went from Pitstone Hill car park toward Ivinghoe Beacon took a right just as the path starts going up, followed the fields on the permissive footpath , through Downs Farm across the road & turning right back along the fields to the car park, about 45 minute I suppose. There was a couple of cyclists out & a couple of runners & in the distance a group of youngsters probably doing their Duke of Edinburgh's award or such like.  There was a few Skylarks chirruping away for all they were worth high above the fields, its a beautiful sound, tried to get a photo but as you can see results weren't very good, the photo of the Crow is alittle better. 
Ralph busied himself on the walk sniffing here and there & paying little attention to any wildlife, he's always interested in people though, I'm sure he thinks he knows them!
Looking towards Ivinghoe Beacon
      The Ralphster investigates!
                                                            'Wot! Me?'
 Interesting collection of flowers on the edge of the fields.

Young Crow I think.

  Walking back towards Pitstone Hill with Ralph in the foreground. 
