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My Blog List

Sunday 5 June 2016

The Alec and Laura Farewell Tour begins!

Well Alec and Laura have been saving and working hard for about 5 years and now they are really going round the world! Tickets booked (first stop Thailand) onward round East Asia & Australia for Xmas I believe. Wow!
The jabs they've needed and insurance has cost them the best part of £1000 each but as I've said to them both its better safe than sorry. This was the first part of what I've called their Farewell Tour because over the next couple of weeks all the people who love them want to wish them well & Bon Voyage and why not!
The brilliant thing about this dinner was that it was a complete surprise for Alec and Laura. They knew they were going for a meal with Laura's Mum Kathy but had no idea that waiting in the restaurant would be me, Tara, Gary, Ellie, Oliver, Ella, Julian, Tim ,Beren & from Laura's family Seamus, Pat and Ann.
A great time was had by all & Lina and her staff at Chez Jerome made the night very special for us, even down to bespoke menu's for our party photographed here.
 The food , as usual was really good, I had Poached Asparagus & egg with Hollandaise sauce for starters and for main Tenderloin of Pork with creamy port sauce, potatoes and veg. Pud was Vanilla Crème Brulee  (but in my excitement I forgot to photo it!) washed down with a couple of bottles of Pedigree Ale.

  Their countdown has really begun now. We'll miss them both terribly and hope they have loads of great adventures and a brilliant time!

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Saxon

An idiots guide to an Idiot.: Saxon: Just brought our tickets for the mighty Saxon playing at the Shepherds Bush Empire on 5th November. I think this will be the fourth time I&#...

Friday 3 June 2016


Just brought our tickets for the mighty Saxon playing at the Shepherds Bush Empire on 5th November. I think this will be the fourth time I've seen them and they are always good value, one of the first NWOBHM Bands (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) they are still going strong. Support acts should be good as well. Firstly 'Fastway' featuring former Motorhead guitarist Fast Eddie Clarke. Haven't see them before but expect they'll be good and then Girlschool who I last saw about 35 years ago! Should have seen them last year supporting Motorhead but with Lemmy's demise the gig was cancelled so am really looking forward to seeing them this time round.
The Shepherds Bush Empire is a delightful venue. It's a grade II listed building built in 1903. Such luminaries as Fred Karnos Comic Troupe featuring Charlie Chaplin played here in 1906, with a capacity of 2000 its one of the smaller venues and all the better for that. You can actually see who's  on stage without needed a giant screen!
Our tickets cost £31 each, the first time I saw Saxon at the Lyceum Ballroom off the Strand in London,I believe in February 1980 the ticket cost £4! Bizarrely we actually met Lemmy, Fast Eddie  and Phil 'Philthy Animal' Taylor of Motorhead at the bar! We saw and spoke to them just before everyone else realised who they were, to this day I still don't know what Lemmy said to me but he clasped the back of my neck in a friendly gesture & it made my evening!
Last time we saw a gig here ( also Saxon Feb 2015) we had dinner at the 'Defectors Weld' a gastro pub on the corner of Wood Lane and Uxbridge Road right on the green so very near the Empire. Good food as I recall so I reckon we may do the same again, we've got a while to decide mind you.
Saxon at the Shepherds Bush Empire, Feb 2015.

Mark, Tara, Kevin & Paul at the Saxon gig.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Battle of Jutland

With the 100th anniversary of this major naval action of World War One I was interested to find that one of my Great Uncles (George Gowers) was a Stoker Petty Officer aboard HMS Southampton, a light cruiser which was Flag Ship of the 2nd Light Cruiser Squadron commanded  by Commodore William Goodenough. The Southampton torpedoed the German light cruiser Frauenlob causing her to capsize taking most of the ships complement to the bottom. Great Uncle served in the Royal Navy until 1922.  This is a photo of HMS Southampton.


I seem to be fated with naff walking boots. So far I haven't had a pair that lasted any longer than 9 months before they are letting in water & this is walking through wet grass not swimming the Channel! Karrimore are my nemesis, just had a full refund on a pair that lasted only 3 months! Wouldn't touch that make again. On Number One sons recommendation from a friend of his I've gone for Salomon boots. The waterproof bit is Gore-tex which even I have heard of as being good. More than I'd usually spend (£95 down from £130 then another 15% off) but maybe that was the problem.  As June has started incredibly wet & cold they may get alot of use. Stay tuned.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Old Headbanger

Being an old Headbanger I was delighted to find one of my old Judas Priest T shirts from about 37 years ago. I was even more pleased to see that it still fits perfectly as you can see from the photo. :)
The T was from their 'British Steel' tour of 1979, a great band.

Dinner and beer

Had dinner with my Bro and his Fiancé the other day. Went to a pub near them and had an excellent meal of fish and chips washed down with a pint of  London Pride, a Fullers beer. I had chosen a Beef and Merlot pie -so had my bro and there was only one left! Rather than arm wrestling him for it I went for my second choice which was a good move I think! Got up very early next day (3.30am) to go to a nearby nature reserve to hear the dawn chorus and bird watch. Had a fantastic time and taken round by an expert, my Bro! Heard mainly  Wren,Robin, Blackbird, warbler (forgotten which one) and many others.

Friday 20 May 2016

The start.

This is a not really a guide to anything, just afew random thoughts and probably pictures of things I do. It may be as dull as it sounds!