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My Blog List

Sunday 21 October 2018


The last gig we've got booked this year was a brilliant one! A few of us going as well, our great friends, Kevin, Gary & Cathie, should have been Paul as well but he had to work late, bugger!
This gig was at the Roundhouse in Kentish Town. An interesting building which is indeed round but not a house. It was originally built in 1847 as an engine shed with a turntable to turn the steam engines round. It was only used for about a decade because the engines were by then too long for the shed! After that it was  used just as a warehouse. It was listed in 1954 and reopened as an arts venue in 1964. In 2006 an extension was added to fit in bars and cafes etc, the building itself lovingly restored, capacity is 1700 people, we has seats & could see well except for the original iron pillars that encircled the middle of the building, notwithstanding that  we had a very good view.
But before all that we made our way to The Pembroke just off Primrose Hill for some dinner.
Good food, good beer, good company! Cathie instigated a 'game'  where you had to drop song titles into the conversation, I wasn't very good and got about 2 I think, Cathie was better & scored about 27! To be fair I think she gave me one of hers as well!
To the gig then. Got a t shirt, got a drink, got our seats, all set! 'Wayward Son's were first up and very good they were too. Featuring Toby Jepson formerly of Gun, before that a spell with Fastway  and prior to them with Little Angels. I enjoyed their set immensely, I think we all did. I only recognised one song that I've heard played on Planet Rock, Kevin has their debut album which he says is now growing on him. It's on my list now as well! Being the first support they were only on about half an hour and after a break to set up the next band came on  who were FM (should have been Y&T but they cancelled due to the guitarist having back problems  which meant he couldn't fly over from the States)
FM have a good pedigree with two of the original members from Samson (saw them once about 40 years ago, Samson then had a relatively unknown singer called Bruce Dickinson!). I must say, even though they have clocked up 10 studio albums  I found them abit pedestrian, bland was another comment. They could do their stuff with aplomb, the bass player Merv Goldworthy quite obviously having a ball but they just didn't really do it for me.
Saxon came on just after nine o'clock and bludgeoned us all  with the Heavy Metal they do so well. They played just under a two hour set, whoever put up the set list on noted that the last verse of the final song was cut as they'd overrun the curfew!
They played a good mix of old tracks, as Biff commented 'Some of you weren't even born when we wrote this one!' and newer tracks covering all the Saxon classics you'd expect like '747 Strangers in the night,' 'Wheels of Steel,' 'Motorcycle Man,' etc with a couple off the latest album as well. A problem with the stage lights at one point led to a song being done by the light of mobile phones! Never seen that before! It ended all too quickly and we were home by around 12.30am A great night!
Here's the set list:
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  19. Encore:
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  24. (Last verse not played as 11pm curfew breached)
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Wayward Sons
  1. Video

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  3. Play Video

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  8. Play Video

Wayward Sons




Sunday 14 October 2018

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Last dig of the year

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Last dig of the year: The weather though glorious today was not forecast to be great , so our last dig at Shillington this year  was only to be one day. Anyone w...

Last dig of the year

The weather though glorious today was not forecast to be great , so our last dig at Shillington this year  was only to be one day. Anyone who could get there in the week would be helping Derek finish off.
Another very nice house in ample grounds was our dig for today. The usual mix of pottery etc on the way down to 0.6m, including a very nice complete clay pipe bowl. Rarely get complete ones, usually broken pieces with plenty of the pipe stems (did I ever mention one of  my Great Great Great Grandfathers was a clay pipe maker in Paddington in the 1860's)  This has the design of crossed keys ( see photo), this is a papal & a masonic badge but more probably sold at a pub called the crossed keys at some stage. It's probably 19th century.
We got two probable post holes at 0.5m & 0.6m though nothing in the fill could date them for definite, though pottery near the second one (which was mostly in the side of the pit) was early Medieval (1250-1350 ish). We had a few nice sherds of this fabric, also photo'd here, Derek is taking this years finds up to Paul Blinkhorn (formerly of Time Team fame) for analysis next week so it will be interesting to get  his expert opinion.
Sadly the weather forecast for Sunday was dire so it was agreed we'd knock it on the head. It's been a good digging season and I look forward to more next year.

Friday 12 October 2018

An idiots guide to an Idiot: The joy of .......impromptu gigs

An idiots guide to an Idiot: The joy of .......impromptu gigs: Now's here's a thing. A gig. Generally we'd book up months and months in advance, you know it's coming. No bad thing either...

The joy of .......impromptu gigs

Now's here's a thing. A gig. Generally we'd book up months and months in advance, you know it's coming. No bad thing either, you can look forward to it, expect the great things that may come of it, but then there's the impromptu gig. The one you didn't even know you were going to! How does that work? Strangely I've had two in as many months. Regular readers of the blog ( please identify yourselves as I'm fed up with reading it on my own!) will know I won the tickets to see the Quireboys, this one's  abit different though. Oliver works with a chap of similar age and similar music tastes to me. He'd booked these tickets but unfortunately for him could not get there. No3 son & him had obviously conversed about musical tastes, even if Olly said...…..'Yes my Dad likes that old crap as well!, ' so the tickets were offered to me! Wasn't sure at first as I had no intention of going to a gig on my own, forgetting that The Memsahib had heard a little of Steve Hackett a at Cropredy and found he passed muster, so we very excitedly excepted.
So off we went arriving  parched at the Shakespeare Arms in Carnaby Street at about 6.30pm. Drink, entry to the Palladium, finding T shirt stall that took cards, another drink and seated for 7.10pm we settled. Only to be disturbed by the plaintiff call of 'Where's my bloody glasses.' and of course the ever popular prostate induced problem of 'Where's the karzi?' from gentlemen of a certain age of which there were many.
'Wow' is a much used word , if it is a word, but it is one I'd use to describe this gig. Steve Hackett's playing  was sublime, the orchestral accompaniments added a new dimension  to the music that I had never heard before. Put simply it was a brilliant night. It far exceeded what we thought it might be, to say it was a joy from beginning to end doesn't give the word 'joy' enough wellie to describe what we witnessed. This gig was the end of the line for this tour, how sad, I'd go again it must be said. Genesis fans are a  mixed and varied bunch  ,some total idiots some good sorts, though strangely or not so strangely, mostly males of a certain age ( the smell of aging testosterone is not a pleasant one!)  but we had both had a brilliant evening. Top that Saxon!  

I was there 9