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Saturday 15 September 2018

The Quireboys Gig.

What an old headbanger I still am! Two gigs in a week ( should have been three but missed out on Rose Tattoo tickets).
This one was an added pleasure as I'd won the tickets! A free gig ! Couldn't be better! Of course 'free' gig is a little misleading, add on train tickets, taxi to & from the station, dinner, a couple of beers, this was no free gig but it was a bloody good night!
Kentish Town 02 Forum again tonight, it's a nice venue. Originally built in 1934 as a cinema, later it became an Irish dance hall called The Forum and in the early 1980's another name change to The Town and Country Club, a music venue with a capacity of 2100. Like so many other venues it's now owned by Live Nation and called an 02. It's nice that alot of the original Art Deco features have been retained, it really does make for a better experience if the surroundings are pleasant.
Journey very easy and very efficient. First stop for a beer transfusion was to The Bull & Gate, a pub more or less next door to the venue. Another building that has retained some original features, it's been a pub since 1871 actually a gin palace when first built, it's  Grade II listed.
In the 1980's it was a music venue  and the like of Coldplay & Blur were nurtured here. No music now but a bloody good pub. Well kept beers, I was on Sambrook's 'Wandle'  Ale. At 3.8% a good quaffing beer for a gig. The brewery is local, only a few miles away near Battersea Power Station & Wandle is the name of the river there, not a river I'd ever heard of.
Dinner then. Lambs liver with bacon, parsley mash and onion for me with Tara having a veggie  meal of warm roasted fig and squash with cob nuts . Not a great amount of choice here for her but better than some, however the surroundings were nice including a very ornate marble sink in the Ladies...….Tara told me.
Apparently Spike from The Quireboys had looked in for a pint alittle earlier, shame we missed him an other gig goer met him and had a selfie taken as well. Not sure I'd have done that, may have depended on how many beers I'd have had. I try not to get star struck!
An early start with three support bands, we were in for a good night! Bit of a kerfuffle to get in. The bone headed  door staff didn't know entirely what they were doing, lets be honest, they are only really needed if fights break out, they probably understand that. Harsh but probably true. Tara stood our ground & we got in the via the queue we were in though it seems it was the wrong queue for the tickets we had, anyhoo….. we were in! Bar! Scrumptious cocktail for T & a bottle of Old Speckled Hen for me.
No seats, bugger! This venue, when I've been before has unreserved seats in the balcony but for tonights performance that was the VIP, special guest area so we couldn't get in there. The very last thing I wanted to inflict on Tara was 4 hours of standing. Mooched about abit, looked at the T shirts that were it has to be said pretty uninspiring, without even the dates of the tour, think I'll look on line for one. Didn't get to ask the price but after Monday's £30 for Camel t's I wasn't holding my hopes up!
'Those Damn Crows' the first band on started about 6.30pm. Tara suggested we lean on a shelf type thing that backed onto the sound desk, this was a very good move, other than the blokes working the sound desk in  front of us we had an excellent view.
'Those Damn Crows' were very very good, from Wales they belted out a great set. Only knew one of the songs that has been played on Planet Rock. The station seems to like them as they've played a couple of Planet Rock festivals, a debut album comes out in October   that I have taken the liberty of pre-ordering. I liked them that much! Tara also thought they were good.
'Aaron  Buchanan & the Cult Classics' were something of a let down tbh. Anyone who puts their own name in a band title must be viewed with suspicion. Aaron, a strange little chap who wore belt and braces, thinks he's very good, I suppose you've got to have an ego to be in the music business, he also likes crowd surfing (yawn!). They did their stuff and left the stage. Unmoved we waited for the third support act and this band did not disappoint! H.E.A.T. came on!  From Sweden, their English of course impeccable, even the swear words! Can't find out why their title has full stops in between each letter, could be like W.A.S.P. and have no reason at all! But what the hell, their set was brilliant! Erik, the singer , had a sort of Mohican hair style without the gel so as he vigorously headbanged his hair was strangely compelling! For some unknown reason he did like to spit on stage. Always a horrible thing to do this just made him look an idiot which is a shame because the music was brilliant.
The Quireboys came on about 9.30pm and were great! The whole point of tonight's gig was to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their album Homewreckers & Heartbreakers that was played from beginning to end. I quite like that idea. The album is a good one even though I didn't recognise all of the tracks immediately as live they were played abit differently. Then they played other hits they've had ,sad not to hear 'Sex party' but got alot of other great tracks. I could see from looking over at the monitors on the sound desk that several times the music went over their sound limit, I can do loud but sometimes it was difficult to understand the words if you didn't already know the song.  Finished at just after 11pm and off we all went. An absolutely cracking evening, here's afew photos and the set list of the Quireboys, still waiting for the others to be published.

Ornate sinks in the ladies karzi in the Bull & Gate. 

Those Damn Crows

Aaron Buchanan 

Spike doing what he does best!

The Quireboys Setlist


Wednesday 12 September 2018

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Camel gig

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Camel gig: Never seen this band before, Kevin suggested it to me, a bit of real old prog rock! What's not to like? A local gig for a change, only...

Camel gig

Never seen this band before, Kevin suggested it to me, a bit of real old prog rock! What's not to like?
A local gig for a change, only had to get to Aylesbury, had a beer or two in the Wetherspoons over the road form the Waterside Theatre and then made our way over.
It's a really nice auditorium, quite new built in 2010 with a capacity of 1200 over three levels. it is of course what Dunstable should have done when the Grove Theatre was built a few years ago, then we'd get the bigger acts and gigs in Dunstable. Typical Beds Council  ballsed up thinking, no change there then! Capacity at the Grove is 750.
No support but with Camel playing for a good two and a quarter hours that was no problem, there was one short break, after all two of the band are getting on a bit! The guitarist Andy Latimer is the only true original member from the bands beginnings in 1971 however bassist Colin Bass joined in 1979. Dennis Clements on drums has been a member since 2000 and keyboard/sax player Pete Jones a new boy only joining in 2016.
The main event of this gig was to play the album 'Moonmadness' in its entirety, first released in 1976 and what a great album it is.
I've seen one other band do a whole album from start to finish (WASP last year) and will see another at the end of this week! (The Quireboys) it's an idea I like. There's inevitably the odd track on an album that you don't like as much as the others but to hear them all played live is something of a revelation. Even the duffest track can be given the kiss of life when played live, it just has a new vibrancy and vigour. I didn't know any music from Camel so I took bit of a chance seeing them live but I have to say I was not disappointed. They seemed a nice bunch of blokes who played some bloody good music, you'll see from the track list below that they played other music as well, I'll definitely pick up a CD of  'Moonmadness' it's a good one for the car I think. What I won't be picking up is a t shirt for £30! Sadly they are never top quality t shirts  and even though I like to get a gig t shirt I must draw the line somewhere! I was always more happy to buy from a bloke who had t's in boxes outside the venue, not quite the same of course, but they were similar quality and about half the price. These blokes have been scared off in more recent times  and you seldom see them outside gigs. I do understand why bands would get the hump with cheap T's outside their venues  but then make your own T's cheaper.  
However  this did not detract from a great night out. Now looking forward to Friday's gig!  Here's the set list:

  1. Set 1 (Moonmadness):
  2. Aristillus
    Play Video
  3. Play Video
  4. Play Video
  5. Play Video
  6. Play Video
  7. Play Video
  8. Play Video
  9. Set 2:
  10. Play Video
  11. Play Video
  12. Play Video
  13. Play Video
  14. Play Video
  15. Ice
    Play Video
  16. Play Video
  17. Play Video
  18. Play Video
  19. Encore:

  20. Play