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My Blog List

Monday 29 March 2021


 Well I had my Covid jab the week before last, it was the Astra Zeneca, the so called Oxford  vaccine. The process  of getting the jab was very well managed at the Dunstable Council offices, I was probably  in  and out in  ten minutes. It was all very efficiently carried out.

     I felt fine for the first 12 hours and thought I'd got away with it but by evening I was feeling   pretty washed out and very achy.

Felt worse the next  day  and  just did what I needed to do. I even went to bed early, some thing I rarely do!  Following day a bit better then   all of a sudden it seemed back to normal....or as near normal as I'm ever likely to get!

Still, its a small price to pay it we can beat this virus and get back to something like normal. It's been very tough not seeing our family and being able to hug them. I'm a big hugger, it does you good.

Saxon gig in May bounced to next January, no surprise there to be honest but the New Forest Folk Festival has got the green light for July.  I do hope it happens, can't tell you how much we are looking forward to it. Stay safe folks!

Monday 22 March 2021


 I haven't written about the joy of a new album for ages and ages. Well today I can change this as over the weekend the latest platter from one of my favourite bands hit the doormat. The mighty Saxon have released a new studio album. An album with a bit of a difference as its cover versions. Some fans don't seem to like cover albums, they'd prefer new music and I get that, but I like the fact that a band can put together songs they like from other people. Songs that have influenced them and I suppose made them what they are today in some ways.

The album opens with Paint it Black originally from The Rolling Stones, not a fave of mine from the Stones but I really like Saxon's version. Its just got that edge of metal that I like, it fairly crackles along. 

Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin is next up. Heresy to say it, but I don't much like Led Zep and never much cared for the Immigrant Song...Nothings changed!

Paperback Writer by the Beatles was bit of a surprise inclusion for me. Biffs voice sounds good on it. His voice is best suited   to the louder faster songs. He doesn't really get away with slower softer vocals in my humble opinion. Evil Woman originally by Crow I can take or leave to be honest and Stone Free by Hendrix goes the same way.

However Bomber by Motorhead is far more suited to Saxon. Lets be honest Motorhead are their old stable mates anyway and I well remember 40 something years ago actually meeting the Motorhead boys at a Saxon gig!

Saxon make a very good fist of Deep Purples Speed King and I love their go at Thin Lizzys The Rocker. Problem Child from AC/DC is also well executed  but perhaps the end track is bit of a damp squib, it being See My Friends from the Kinks.

Overall its a good album and one I'd recommend to any Saxon fan. Looking forward to seeing them in the ever moving gig date of January 2022!