My Blog List

My Blog List

Monday 11 January 2021


 Things seemed to be getting easier and then they weren't and now....lockdown take 3. Bugger!  It has taken its toll on all of us, gigs being kyboshed resonated with me of course. Dates bounced from early 2020 to late 2020 are now well into 2021 and doubtful I reckon. However the best of us do feel sad sometimes and my sadness was the New Forest Folk Festival being scrubbed.  Not just the music but not being able to meet our dear friends and the laughter and happiness that it brings and of course the whole experience.

Not meeting up with our fantastic family has been the worst without a shadow of a doubt. Any excuse for a gettogether normally. We have met when we were allowed but it hasn't been quite the same. Then the crowning glory of Christmas being buggered up, though we did have a lovely day just the four of should have been 13 of us though! We've actually decided to postpone Christmas so we had December 25th instead. So all the secret Santa presies  are unopened until we can meet, when ever that is!

New years Eve was interesting. Neither of us felt very NYE-ish, we watched back to back episodes of 'Casualty,' hardly a bundle of laughs! In bed by 11.30pm and I only realised it was New Year when I put my book down at 12.10am! I should have known by the fireworks of course!  

Hopefully the vaccination will enable us to get back to something like normality, the media of course changing from we're all going to die to now we're all saved!    I don't watch the news anymore, its just too depressing, I pick up the headlines online, that'll do me. As for FaceBook, which I love, I've very nearly come off it for all the political and otherwise crap that keeps on appearing on it.                            I think something that has made the whole thing more real if you like is the fact that up until Christmas none of us knew anyone who had Covid, that's 12 of us in our extended we do!  All getting or have already got better ( most quite young as well) but that's not the point. So it goes.       Gary & Ellies little dog (Ellies really to be fair) Angus is a dear little chap. Far too cute for his own good! Ida was abit nonplussed but is getting used to him, they even played on our last socially distanced walk. 

I must try and get back into blogging, its been a while since I did anything, there hasnt been much to write about I guess. Anyway, keep safe!

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