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Thursday 2 April 2020

Still Strange

So it goes. Day 9 of lock down  and in some ways its getting like Groundhog Day and in others a routine is setting in. I'm still working from home, for now sales of games and particularly puzzles are going well. Customers are doubling, quadrupling what they'd normally order if they are on line that is, as of course most shops are closed. There's a hardcore of customers that are doing well, all garden centres for instance are closed but it means I've been working daily and kept that routine going.
Alec has been walking Ida every day, if anyone, he is becoming alittle stir crazy. Both him and Laura have come from travelling the world, going to exotic places and I guess never a dull moment to lockdown! Very frustrating for them, I go with him at the weekend we are getting to know the walks round the quarry quite well.
Alec is a very good cook so he's cooked us some really nice meals. He's also done one of my 2000 piece puzzles and a 3D puzzle of the Man Utd stadium, he's just started another puzzle today.
Tara quite likes not going out! Which Ok to be honest as with asthma and fybro its not a good combination,  however she should probably get out sometimes. My exercise today was a trip to the supermarket. It was very civilised and calm. I got to Sainsburys at 8am, there was an orderly queue stretching around  the building but it only took about 10/15 minutes before I was in the shop. Staff were pleasant enough, everyone tried their best to keep distance, sometimes easier said than done with the inevitable bottle necks. I was able to get everything I wanted with the exception of gluten free flour and one or two unimportant items. By the time I got round to the pharmacy to collect prescriptions for both of us they were shut! New hours dictate they shut between 9& 10  to sort out drugs and re stock shelves. Got a couple of odds & sods for Ella & Julian, delivered them having a conversation with Ella from a safe distance, then back to Sainsburys for the pharmacy. I didn't have to queue again though, I just told the security bods I only needed the pharmacy and they let me in, I mean, why would I lie?   Then to the post office to send off Taras eBay sales which are buoyant at present and then home.
Alec helped unpack and £249 later we were sorted.  Alec was out with Ida before I left this morning, she'd developed a limp in her front left leg, its been on and off for a while so phoned the vet today. They too are obviously doing things  differently. A nurse took details and a vet will phone me tomorrow to discuss. Ida is probably aged somewhere between 7 or 9 ish so it could well be a touch of arthritis, I expect she'll get some tablets of some kind. This evening I did a film quiz  Oliver's friend Brandon had made. You had to identify the film from little pictures. 30 questions, there was 5 I couldn't get anything for, answers sent to Oliver and I am awaiting results. Tomorrows excursion will be to Holland and Barrett where they should have had some gluten free flour delivered so another fun packed day. 
Currently listening to 2112 by Rush having had an evening of Saxon, Iron Maiden, Magnum and Nighwish. So it goes.

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