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Sunday 19 April 2020

Groundhog Day.

So, another three weeks of lockdown announced by the Government. Not stricter lockdown as some thought, though there are so many bloody experts popping up and the media are doing what they do best and painting the blackest picture they can and really just scaremongering! Its a terrible terrible thing but people are recovering. Just seems to me we need to hear the positives as well as the negatives.
Don't know whether you've ever seen the film I used as a title to this blog. Its a comedy starring Bill Murray  who's day gets repeated time and again, and life is turning into this abit. I'm still working from home (for now anyway!) and one day is much the same as the next with the added excitement of shopping on occasion. I also had to take Ella for a blood test at the doctors. I could not believe that she announced that she'd thought she would come shopping with me to Sainsburys after!! I tell you if the virus doesn't get my In-laws I'll end up bloody well strangling the pair of them!   
Another brilliant family quiz last night with Laura in the chair. Teams being Tara, Alec and I (ATM), Gary & Ellie (Bucks Quiz), Oliver & Laura (their quiz name escapes me)
Another good laugh and good evening, with us coming second (again!) to Bucks Quiz win (again!). Olly & Laura are doing next weeks quiz. It wasn't purposely going to be a weekly thing but I'm glad it is. It's a way of seeing everyone which is great! 
The Herts At War Project I belong to has for some time now run a series of lectures about World War One and now opening out to include other conflicts. With things as they are the lectures aren't taking place but the organisers arranged to run them on line instead. This has proved very successful. Now they are very week (shortly to be twice a week) all by leading historians who, like us are on lockdown. The talk on the Battle of Trafalgar had about nine hundred people listening from all round the world! Go to  to find out more.

A talk a couple of weeks ago was about the Battle of the Bulge in March 1945.  When asked the question what did he think of the film of the same name the speaker said it wasn't very accurate but did say 'Band of Brothers,' was a very good portrayal of Easy Company, 506th Infantry Regt of the US 101st Airbourne Division. I've never seen this series but Alec has and likes it. he also has it on his laptop so we started watching it this morning. I have to say it is very absorbing viewing, can't think why I've not watched it before. There is an interesting piece at the start of each episode of veterans talking of their experiences, it is they who are portrayed in the series though you don't find out the vets identities until the end of the series. It's about  Alec's sixth time of watching!
Alec is cooking dinner today, the romantically named of 'Chicken with a can of beer up its arse.' 
Said chicken with a can of beer up its arse.


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