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My Blog List

Monday 9 March 2020


I must go down to the sea again,
    to the lonely sea and the sky;
I left my shoes and socks there -
    I wonder if they're dry?
So wrote the great Spike Milligan who lived in Rye only a few miles from where we are staying with our special chums Stan, Kas & Dan. Ida and I did go down to the sea today for a walk which turned out to be about four and a half miles. We headed off in the direction of the power station, a real blot on the landscape in my opinion but some of the locals think differently. The power station does guided tours which I'd like to go on but haven't organised yet, anyway, we trudged in that general direction and past various bits of flotsam and jetsam including a cormorant that had I'd imagine become a victim of nature  and a bloody great fish. No idea what type it was as it was in quite a decayed state but the pile of chips you'd need for it!
Turned back after a while and walked towards Greatstone Life Boat Station intent on having a pint at The Jolly Fisherman. Not so jolly when we got there as it was shut! However it was a very pleasant walk.


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