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Saturday 7 March 2020


A very pleasant bracing walk for Ida & I along the beach today. Four and a half miles there and back walking on both beach and dunes.
Ida hates the water so we didn't go very near the sea, she preferred the sniffs of the sand dunes  and shingle away from the water. A few other hardy dog walkers out, we met a Border Terrier pup called Henry  and a black Cocker who, despite his owners shouts got Cocker Spaniel selective hearing and came bounding over.
Great to see Ida open the throttles and go belting along the beach. Tried to get her to retrieve a tennis ball I'd taken with us but she went off this after skidding to a halt to get the ball and kicking up loads of sand that made her cough & splutter!
We walked on past the life boat station and on as far as the road that leads to New Romney then returned. An interesting piece of World War Two history just off shore, the remains of part of a Mulberry floating harbour that was towed over to Normandy just after D Day in June 1944. Called a Phoenix Cassion it was going to be a mobile break water. It was supposed to be re floated and towed across the Channel but it proved impossible to re float so remained where it is, whether this was a problem with this huge bit of concrete I don't  know but there are six in total off the British coast at various points along the south coast. It became a listed building in 2014 and no one can as much as moor  a boat on it, and quite right too. Its a great tangible link with Operation Overload that changed the course of world history.

Remains of a Dog Fish I think.

The Phoenix Cassion part of the Mulberry Harbour of D Day fame. 


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