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Thursday 7 November 2019


I threatened to review new albums that had taken my fancy & even though I've had it a couple of weeks now the new offering from Airbourne must get a mention. Doing the Amazon pre order thing again I got on the day of release...which was nice, and then immediately and quite decisively I did nothing at all with it.
I left it until I was back at work and played it far too loud in the car! 'Boneshaker' is Airbourne's fifth studio album. Not as good as some of them it must be said but still pretty good. The reviewer of this album in Planet Rock magazine only gave it 3 (out of 5) saying they sounded very like AC/DC which indeed they do, but in my humble opinion that's no bad thing. They sound like early AC/DC with a real excitement and rawness to their sound that I really enjoy. Plus their gigs are considerably cheaper than AC/DC!
The album opens with the title track Boneshaker, also released as a single I think. I'd heard this one on Planet Rock so knew I liked it. There's 10 tracks on the album and to be fair none are too cerebral, but then I don't want that from Airbourne or indeed most of the music I listen to, I like a tune I can remember and if possible words easy enough for me to remember as well, so this album really delivers. My favourite track is 'Sex to go' which has a great rhythm to it (no Mrs!) and with this deluxe CD I mistakenly bought not only is there two extra live tracks(Heartbreaker & Raise the Flag) but also a limited edition poster opened out for this photo and destined to remain folded in the CD box forever more!
I'm not doing a track by track review of this fine album but will finish by saying I think its a worthy edition to the Airbourne stable of albums and I'm really looking forward to seeing them at the end of the month and hearing some of these tracks live! Rock n Roll For Life as the album states.             Stay tuned!

Album cover
Limited edition poster never to be seen again!

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