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Sunday 28 July 2019


With the weather going berserk, hitting 40 degrees will I was sat in traffic by Heathrow on Thursday, we thought an impromptu family BBQ would be a good idea for Friday, the weather had cooled (by comparison anyway) but it was still 24 ish with light showers so absolutely fine!
As usual I managed to over cater on food but what the hell! I'd be mortified to under cater! The fare being sausages, chicken (T had marinated the chicken in olive oil,soy sauce, onion, rice wine, Worcester sauce, brown sugar, chilli's)  which was delicious, also a side of salmon and burgers with loads of salad type nibbles and sides. Including pork pies, (obvs!) with strawberries and raspberries and cream for pud.
Just us, Gary & Ellie & Olly & Laura and a very pleasant evening it was in their company. We don't often have just them round, its usually the wider family as well so it was especially nice for us. They are all just the best company.
BBQ's and me have a strange relationship, we went gas ages ago as I could never judge when to light the coals, get them to stay lit and cook on them, however when Oliver arrived the marinade I'd liberally coated on the chicken caught fire. The base of the BBQ needed a little time to go out , by that time Oliver had taken over the cooking. Just as well I think so I wisely poured myself glass of red wine. The usual chaos and laughter before, during and after dinner. No one rushed to go home even though G&E had an exciting trip to cycle in the velodrome on Saturday, and O&L had a party to go to the next night.
A grand evening, even though some of the photos don't look like it!  


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