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Sunday 10 September 2017

An idiots guide to an Idiot: A VC before dinner.

An idiots guide to an Idiot: A VC before dinner.: The Lancashire Fusiliers won six VC's before breakfast at Gallipoli in 1915, this is nothing like that so I'll explain. Found myse...

A VC before dinner.

The Lancashire Fusiliers won six VC's before breakfast at Gallipoli in 1915, this is nothing like that so I'll explain.
Found myself in Welshpool  this week and as part of the Great War commemorations any town that had a Victoria Cross winner is having a plaque installed to remember them. Welshpool has one to 355014 Serjeant William  Herbert Waring VC,MM who served with the 25th (Montgomery & Welch Horse) Bn, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. His citation reads:
 "He led an attack against enemy machine guns and, in face of devastating fire from the flank and front, rushed a strong point singlehanded, bayoneting four of the garrison and capturing twenty others with their guns; then under heavy shell and machine gun fire, he re-organized his men, led and inspired them for another 400 yards, when he fell mortally wounded."
He had previously been awarded the Military Medal as well, he is buried in Le Havre.
Stayed overnight in Shrewsbury again and sampled the very tasty HPA (Hereford Pale Ale) by Wye Valley Breweries. Very light in colour  and very citrusy. A good pint. Had whitebait as a starter, this was imaginatively served up in a half pint beer mug and followed that was a very good sirloin steak cooked rare served with huge very crisp onion rings! 

Monday 4 September 2017

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Diana hysteria.

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Diana hysteria.: I didn't get it twenty years ago & I get it even less now, how a person that most people did not know could cause what I think amou...

Diana hysteria.

I didn't get it twenty years ago & I get it even less now, how a person that most people did not know could cause what I think amounts to mass hysteria.
I'm no Royalist I should say from the outset, but that doesn't mean I want to hang them all from the lampposts stretching down the Mall, though there are probably enough hangers on that we're paying for to stretch that far!
It was an appalling thing that happened, the death of anyone from any echelon of society to be killed so young in such a way is numbing & I felt then as now my sadness for her sons but how people who had never met her or really knew anything about her other than what was said in the media could be so upset is beyond me. 
I've heard it said that as people still recall where they were when JFK was assassinated so it will be with Diana. Why? The two hardly compare, a young President of one of the worlds most powerful nations  with every burden that has with it,compared to....... a not especially bright  'Sloane Ranger' as they used to be called, who happened to marry into an emotionless & dysfunctional family!
It is a strange irony to me that the same week Diana died so did Mother Teresa of Calcutta. A person who had spent her life in the slums of Calcutta really helping people, getting her hands dirty if you like, but so swamped were we by the death of a 'Royal' that her passing , by comparison, went almost unnoticed. 
And what difference did Diana make to me? Nothing, nothing at all. Rant over.      

Sunday 3 September 2017

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Pizza.

An idiots guide to an Idiot: Pizza.: We've tried the wheat/gluten free pizza bases you can buy & though they are Ok, they are still abit cardboardy so the Memsahib deci...


We've tried the wheat/gluten free pizza bases you can buy & though they are Ok, they are still abit cardboardy so the Memsahib decided to cook her own today from scratch & very good it was too. The dough was made alittle differently as well as being wheatfree. You mix egg whites, oil, vinegar, sugar & water in a bowl add the flour & sprinkle the yeast on top. This gets mixed in a bread maker then taken out. It looks nothing like dough of any kind & is just about poured out of the bread maker into a bowl. Tara actually made this yesterday & put it in the fridge overnight. It was never kneaded just kind of poured into 28cm sponge tins and the toppings added. They cooked for about 20 minutes or so. Served with a nice mixed salad & potato salad it was a meal fit for a reigning  monarch. I'd defy anyone to identify it as wheat free. Lovely!

Tara's delicious wheatfree veggie pizza.