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Saturday 5 August 2017

Stir Fry.

I like a stir fry but as usual its all fits and starts, that is to say we don't have one for ages, then I get all enthusiastic and we have them non stop for a while!
As big headed as it sounds I think I nailed it with the stir fry I cooked last night. Nothing complicated which is probably the key, in the past I think I've probably just over cooked the veg and added too many sauces so it becomes a mass of mush. Having been one of Ken Homs minions at a couple of recent cooking demos he did, I tried to take notice of how the master of the stir fry did it.
Pre cooked cold rice is best for egg fried rice. Add frozen peas & spring onions ( though  last night I used red onion chopped small), cook all that for a while, it seems to dry the rice out abit. The eggs , I used two eggs as it was for two people, I beat up then added to the rice in one go. In the past I've added it little by little. KH say no! add the lot and stir like buggery! ( he didn't say that, that's my interpretation)    
I brought some frozen prawns thinking I'd got a bargain but they needed the shells taking off and de-veining which is a pain in the arse to be honest, I must look more carefully before I buy in future, I'm quite happy to spend abit more and not have the faff. Also now I only buy raw prawns and cook them myself as a while ago I stupidly used pre cooked prawns, heated them for our meal and then froze what was left, weeks later defrosted and reheated it with dire effects on the Memsahib! You bloody fool MM!
Anyway, the pain in the arse prawns were tossed in cornflour  and left on the side before cooking, just before I cooked them I added a little soy sauce. KH says not to add soy long before you cook as the soy sauce itself will start to cook whatever its added to if left for longer than 20 minutes.
For the veg I used onions, garlic, red peppers, courgette, mushrooms  and as we had it use up lettuce.
Get the wok to a thunderous heat before you start, hold your hand 10cm or so above the wok, if you can feel the heat  you're ready! Alittle oil and sling in the onions once they've started I bung in everything else and keep stirring. I didn't mix the sauces as I've done in the past either. I plumped for black bean sauce and added plenty of it, I think I've been abit meager with sauces previously, that's added quite close to the end as well so it stays a sauce and not a gravy, it just needs heating through really, in the wok I cooked the prawns after I'd done the veg. Sometimes I add them to the veg for cooking, not sure whether it makes any difference but this time I did them  separately.
Pour a large glass of red and you're ready to eat ( in fairness this is the second glass of red, its always good to ply the cook with drink I find!)
There you have it, a stir fry fit for a king and a cook fit for nothing! Enjoy!


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