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Sunday 16 July 2017

Trains,punts, automobiles and lots of walking.

Not exactly 'Trains, planes & automobiles' I grant you but the nearest I could get. Just back from a couple of days away and its started to rain......which is good because our trip away was a scorcher,
we didn't go far  just into Cambridgeshire for a couple of nights being spoilt in some nice pubs & hotels.
Ostensibly celebrating our 33rd Anniversary we had an excellent dinner at Chez Jerome on Friday .This was supposed to be a bbq but Sainsbury's managed to deliver everything except all the bbq food & accompaniments. Things going slightly pear shaped have been bit of a hallmark to our days away, I should add we didn't need an excuse to go to Chez Jerome it's always great ( follow this link for details  )
We got on the road on Sunday & went over to Audley End House near Saffron Walden, an English Heritage property there's lots to see there, except the house was closed as Danny Boyle was there filming for a American TV series. It was good to wonder the grounds and see the other things as well, in particular the stables which once was a 16th century house well worth another trip to see everything we missed,we left there late afternoon & went to our stop over The Cricketers  Arms at Rickling Green, got there about 5.45pm & dining finished at 6pm! Nowhere did it state when I booked that there was no food in the evening, however the staff were good & made sure we could order but our meal was abit earlier than planned.

Obligatory ice cream!

The house.
15th C house used as stables
Inside stables, note bricked up door.

Site of the boilers to heat the greenhouses.

A very good full English next morning set us up for a day in Cambridge. Staying in central Cambridge is ridiculous money so we stayed just out side at the Red Lion at Whittlesbury. Two stops along on the train and you are in Cambridge itself. Not long out the station & we were accosted by people selling punting trips. This was on our agenda for today so we signed up for a trip later on. We wanted to visit the Fitzwilliam Museum find it closed, as are it appears most museums in Cambridge on a Monday. Bugger!
Repaired to the Fitzbillies CafĂ©  for tea & cakes. Even a good selection of gluten free for Tara. I had a homemade Chelsea Bun 'sustaining Dons & students alike for years' it said. A cross between a Chelsea Bun &  Lardy Cake it was very nice.
I'm sure Tara was happier with her cake than she looks!

Chelsea Bun.
 Corpus Christi College was very interesting to look round. A Medieval courtyard where Christopher Marlowe stayed and studied no less was one of the attractions. A contemporary of William Shakespeare he gained his BA in 1584. A short & very sharp shower ensued but luckily we were under cover so missed the worst of it. Pottered on around Cambridge. It's a beautiful place with lots to see. Main street were teaming with tourists but get off the main track and there's lots of interesting side streets to see.
Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi Chapel

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Being punted along the river.
    Our allotted time for a punting trip came round, although the river was busy it was a very pleasant trip going through a number of colleges. Cambridge would appear to get alot of tourists, particularly from the far east. It wasn't just us on this punt, we were at the front with about 6 Chinese behind us! It was however a very relaxing trip.   Repaired to a pub for a snack and a beer after (The Mitre I think) and thought about heading back to the hotel. A short bus trip & the train & we were back to the Red Lion. You'll see in the photos the door to our room was tiny! Known as the 'hobbit hole' luckily the room is normal size! A very nice dinner followed washed down with a local beer of which the name escapes me.

Crab cakes

Corned beef hash

Hake with lentils

Pork with black pudding

Peanut ice cream

Mango cheesecake

Weather started to look a bit dodgy we noticed after breakfast so we decided to head home. A really lovely couple of days. Must do it again.

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