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Sunday 31 July 2016

The Sunday Indian.

We met up with my bro Paul & his FiancĂ© Kate today for dinner.  Kate knew of a very good veggie Indian restaurant in Kenton that they'd booked called Rams. This was especially good for Tara being both wheat intolerant and a veggie,  dishes using flour had gram flour or the like, not wheat which is the main thing.
It was really nice. For a change the Memsahib had most of the menu to choose from rather than the usual 2 or 3 choices all of which were a little but different from the norm.

I keep forgetting to take the photos before I get eating , so here's a piccy of half my starter!   It was a Masala Dosa. Onions and potatoes in a sauce in a sort of pancake, delicious! Tara had potato balls deep fried , can't recall the name of that dish & Paul & Kate had spring rolls. Mains were equally as good. Mine being Khata Batata which was spicy tomatoes and potatoes in a tomato sauce this was quite warm on the spice front & I 'glowed' the more I had, served with  a Nan bread and of course a Cobra beer. Can't remember what the mains were called that everyone else had. Tara's was cheese in a veg sauce, Paul & Kate had a curry type dish ,one with spinach and one with peas.  We were all pretty full by then so declined a pud though I'd have been interested in trying their home made Kulfi if we'd have had room.

My main course.
Adjured but to Paul & Kates for a cuppa . They have a lovely house and both seem very content and happy there. Paul put in a small pond which looks good, they obviously both enjoy the garden and work hard trying to encourage wildlife into it. Paul saw a Mink the other day! They have a great view over fields and regularly get bats flying over their garden.  Talk about wildlife! Their Niger seeds have also not been visited by any Finches of late. Paul told me to keep faith with it and leave ours out as the Finches will return, as like a lot of birds at the moment they are moulting.  Had another cuppa and then went home, a very pleasant afternoon had by all.

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