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Sunday 17 July 2016


Another weekend away, aren't we dirty ol' stop outs! Pottered over to Ely via the village of Reach in Cambridgeshire. An interesting first world war memorial on the village green noted not only the names of the fallen but their regiment and where they were killed, two of the eight noted being killed on the first day of the Somme and another on 11th July (died of wounds) all from the 11th Bn, The Suffolk Regiment. They took a terrible mauling on that day suffering some 691 causalities, getting on for half of them killed. They attached 'Sausage Valley'  ( my Grandad in 2/Middlesex  was next to their division attacking 'Mash Valley') and were mown down by machine gun fire from the village of La Boiselle .
Tara suggested taking a picnic which we did, we had a walk around Reach trying to find the start of what is known as the Devils Dyke, an earthwork started by the Saxons and improved by the Romans but could we find it? Could we bugger! However we did have a very pleasant walk around some woods  where we had a chat to a dog walker with two quite lively golden Labs.

After our pic-er-nic   onward to Ely. Checked in at The Lamb & then went exploring.
Now Ely has a most spectacular looking Cathedral. It dominates the landscape on the approach to Ely & obviously has many stages of different builds, notably the Norman arches photo'd here:


Both Tara & I like looking round cathedrals and churches, not only are they beautiful historic buildings with our interest in genealogy places like this are integral to our hobby but I do object to being charged to go in. Not all cathedrals do it but Ely does, minimum admission is £8 for an adult. Churches shouldn't charge in my humble opinion. I'm not even a Christian!   You won't be surprised to learn we decided not to go in which was a shame (Bath Abbey asked for donations of £2.50 or so which is fine but £8 as a starting price not including towers is a take on)
However we were not downhearted & looked around the shops in Ely still trying to find that elusive hat for Cropredy ( though I did find a very passable one) & then went to the very interesting Ely Museum contained in the old Bishops Goal.
Ely Museum artefacts.

Roman helmet!

Saxon burial artefacts.

10th Cuirassiers helmet and cuirass from Waterloo donated to the museum. No one is quite sure how they ended up in Ely.  

Me behind bars of Ely Goal.

With most of the day done now we adjourned back to The Lamb for a beer. Ruddles County for me (draft not real ale barrel) & Tara a Bitter Shandy (IPA).

Dinner then, I had garlic mushrooms & Tara had Olives, my main was Steak & Ale pie with chips & Tara had Risotto with Sea bass & Scallops. Both very nice indeed. I didn't have a pud but finished my beer (Old Speckled Hen) & Tara had ice cream. It was still a very warm evening so we went for bit of a stroll before bed. Good old fry up in the morning set us up for the day & off we went. Lovely!   




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