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My Blog List

Saturday 11 June 2022


Today we were able to do one of my Birthday presies from about 2 years ago! Bounced because of covid. It was a helicopter flight  over Oxfordshire. We spent the night at Tim's and had a great time there, as we usually do, and set off this morning  while he kindly dog sat.

I was expecting to go to an aerodrome of some kind but in fact we rocked up to a field!  The check in desk was just that, a desk in the aforementioned field.  The helicopter took four people at a time. There were a couple of flights ahead of us so we just waited and watched. Then our turn! A brief  safety talk, don't walk near the back end rotor and do as we tell you basically! We had our photo taken  ( see below) were escorted into the helicopter and strapped in. We were off! It was incredibly loud, louder than I thought it may be but we had headphones on so it didn't matter. We quickly climbed into the blue ( I should have asked how high we went but I didn't think of it!) It was strange but I felt we were travelling quite slowly but viewing from the ground the helicopter  was hurtling along. 

Flew over lots of greenery with very few houses it appeared, and all too soon we were landing. It was only a taster flight but good fun nonetheless. We also got a glass of champers each ( small bottle each to be exact)  and a box of chocolates. What else but Milk Tray! of course you do have to be old enough to remember the Milk Tray man adverts  to get it!

Fab morning, lovely presie. What's not to like? 

Saturday 23 April 2022

An old git

 Hit the big 60 in December......How did that happen!? I wasn't used to being 50 something let alone 60. Well, its better than the alternative of not getting to 60 so I shouldn't complain! 

I have to say I was spoilt rotten. Tara organised a birthday extravaganza which was just brilliant! Here's some of the stuff we did.

First off, on our three nights in London was a trip on the Thames like no other. It was on a RIB which is a Rigid Inflatable Boat. Basically a big speed boat. It started off as a  sedate trip having  all the sites of London pointed out to us as we progressed, then turned back towards the sea & under Tower Bridge. There are strict speed limits on the Thames in the central areas but just past the seaward side of Tower Bridge all speed restrictions are lifted and boy did we know it!!

The captain opened the throttles and away we went being flung all over the place, big loops, slalom, straight for a bit then  very sharp turns. Talk about adrenaline ride! It was strange overtaking a police boat as we started as on the roads everyone keeps back! It was absolutely brilliant! Brilliant but freezing cold. Afterwards we made our way to a pub on a boat moored on the Thames to warm up and have dinner. Back to our hotel then. A four star place in Sth Ken  though I'm sure some of those stars were just for being in London as our room certainly wasn't four star standard! A couple of things went wrong with Tara's plans, nothing major but frustrating for her, & I'm not going to mention them again as so much was fantastic, the things that didn't work were just swamped  by all the exciting things we did do!  

A sumptuous brekkie in the morning and we were ready to take on the day. Popped into the Science Museum. Along time since we've been there and alot has changed. It was a treat to have a look round.  Dinner today was at the one of the oldest pubs in London, The Nellie Dean in Soho, a pie specialist so for me just heaven on earth! Typically they'd just changed their menu so couldn't supply  fish pie for T so she had the innards  of a veg pie with me getting the extra pastry, a couple of pints later onto the theatre.

Mary Poppins at the the Prince Edward Theatre  no less! It was an absolutely brilliant show  that I would highly recommend to you all. It stayed very much as the Disney film with an extra character called Miss Andrew ( a nod to Julie Andrews star of the film I think), who is Mr Banks former cruel Nanny.  It's one of those feel good films that I have known since I can't remember. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Back to the Copthorne Tara  and repose until the morrow. D-Day, my 60th Birthday!     

How did I find myself on 7th December 2021? I flung back the bedclothes and there I was! Tara gave me many  presies including a replica World War One British soldiers shirt, the boys presie to me and Tara was a joint one of our Ernie who we picked up on the 12th Dec, and I had loads more presies besides.

Well, another good brekkie to start the day and we were off to Tottenham Court Road tube station to meet our guide for this morning a chap called Leon.  This guided walk was a real treat as it was about musical London. We started in Denmark Street (six of us on the tour) and he showed us the many guitar shops frequented by the Rolling Stones, David Bowie, the Sex Pistols and many more besides including the much lamented Marquee Club that I never got to go to. He was incredibly knowledgeable on the history of not just more modern day musical stars but also of Music Hall and more besides. Finished in a pub  called The Dog & Duck, a great  connection with literature here as George Orwell  used to drink in it!

Afternoon Tea at the Ambassadors Hotel on Bloomsbury was a delight. They catered well for T as well. Fed and watered, and completely knackered  we returned to the hotel for a doze and before too long we were off to a Michelin star restaurant called 116 at the Athenaeum in Piccadilly for dinner.

Nothing short of fabulous! It was really interesting to see how just little blobs of sauce could have such an intense flavour. All our courses were matched with different wines. They just went so well! It was a real eye opener as to how food and drink can be served and taste  so divine. An unforgettable dinner with my wonderful partner in crime.

That was a whistle stop account of my celebrations and here's a few photos. We also had a family dinner at the Farmers Boy which was great.  I had such a great time thanks to Tara that it  was worth getting to 60! Didn't think I'd say that!


Thursday 31 March 2022

Gigs again

 We went to our second gig that was bounced due to covid. It was Magnum ( originally booked for 2020) at the Assembly Hall Islington, strangely enough  it's been the same venue the past 3 times we have seen them.

Self ,T & Kevin were dropped off at the station by a very kind Number 3 son and we were off....... except I'd managed to book us a timed train rather than 'any train from,'  so we'd missed it!  No alternative to get another ticket. Railway staff very disinterested in our plight. Marvellous isn't it!

Anyway, got to Islington  and made our way to The Vineyard, a pub opposite the venue. Beer was bit of a disappointment as their only handpump beer was a general pub bitter, whatever that is, which wasn't very good. Doombar was available a little later which Kevin had but I saw the had the glorious  Punk IPA by Brewdog so slummed it on that brew Tara enjoying a bitter shandy.

I picked this place as not only was it extremely convenient for the gig but it had a few choices for Tara's dinner, sadly and I have to say typically, they had some out of stocks so T didn't have a great choice  but there was a couple of items she could have. Self & Kev had a bacon & cheese burger and fish n chips respectively.  

In we went  to the Assembly Hall, a really nice Art Deco building opened as a dance hall in the 1930's and renovated to its former grandeur in the 1970's.

The first support Theia, were instantly forgettable, I looked them up before we went as I hadn't heard of them and they were billed as a three piece only to see them as a two piece with added PC accompaniment! 'Nuff said.

The second support Vega then came on. We had seen them before supporting Magnum in 2016 , I liked them then but T & K weren't keen though tonight we all agreed  they were very good. Worth investigating their albums I think.       

And so to Magnum. I first saw Magnum in 1980 and have followed them ever since. I've seen them five times but this will be the last. What can I say? Both T & I thought Bob Catley's voice has gone, he is 74 and you can't keep on for ever, though to view all the FaceBook posts about the gig we are very much in a minority. I didn't post my thoughts as it would inevitably bring down much flak  and would have been viewed as heresy! His voice was shot to pieces and he fumbled some of the words. He also looked like an old person who had grabbed  the mic at a family wedding. It was sad to be honest.
 I know alot of performers want to 'die with their boots on,' but surely you have to think of the performance you are delivering. Its not a normal 9 to 5 job admittedly and creative types probably can push on into old age, but just for how long? I think the worst thing is that this is how we'll remember the live performance by Magnum and that isn't fair really, they  are a great band and in fact it wasn't all bad, he did warm  up and not all the singing was below par. It was also good to hear some tracks from earlier albums, it was a good evening overall but I didn't leave the gig with that buzz I usually get.
There you have it.


Friday 11 February 2022

Back to it

 Well its been five months since I've blogged anything. I rather went off the boil to be honest, and a lot has happened in those five months. A significate birthday for me, lockdown restrictions easing, a proper xmas  and more besides, so I'll now do a bit of a blog in no particular order.

Lockdown gets easier, most people have had two jabs and a booster and with that more freedom. We've even been to a gig, the first in two and a half years! We should have gone to see Saxon in 2019 but their singer Biff Byford had heart surgery, then covid hit and the date was bounced twice more but on 29th Feb 2022 we saw them!

A fractious journey though! We drove from home to South Harrow station as its on the Piccadilly tube line that went straight to Hammersmith, simples! However on arriving at South Harrow we found not only was the station closed but the entire Piccadilly line closed for engineering works! Bugger!

Drove back to Harrow on the Hill station to find the car park has been built on so eventually found street parking. Once on the tube we eventually got to Hammersmith, then google maps seemed to take us the pretty route to walk to the pub where we'd arranged to have dinner. Luckily I was able to phone ahead as we were an hour late however it was all good. Got to the pub, and relax! The Dove is a brilliant pub on the Thames. It overlooks the river and also has the smallest bar in the world. We looked in it and two people and a dog filled it! Luckily there's more to the place than the one bar! Its an old pub being the meeting place of Charles II and Nell Gwyn so dates back to at least mid 17th century. 

Good dinner, couple of beers and time to go to what I've always known as the Hammersmith Odeon but is now the Hammersmith Apollo. The first support, Diamond Head had just started as we arrived. They we're bad to be fair, only a short set ending with 'Am I evil?'  

Next up were Girlschool, old troupers and a bloody good band. Stablemates of Motorhead, they know their stuff. A great set, though another one not very long. That's the only trouble having three support acts for the main event, inevitably the sets are shorter.     

Then came Uriah Heep. They were very good and played a number of songs that I didn't know were Uriah Heep!  The founder member Mick Box still giving it some welly!

Then the main event. Saxon! A good solid Heavy Metal band that won't let you down. You just know you're in safe hands for a great gig. A two hour set at that! A number of times Biff thanked everyone for holding on to their tickets, I got the impression he was genuinely touched and thankful. A grand stage set  featured a huge sliver eagle , don't think my photos do it justice really. Though we had a great seat we think we might have been in an area for seating for friends of the bands or something as there was a constant coming and going of different people which was bit of a pain but nonetheless  a brilliant gig!

Saxon have just brought out a new album ( Carpe Diem) and although Biff talked about they didn't play even one song from it! I think this is much better than bands that play lots of new stuff you don't know  but I thought maybe they'd sing one new song. Not that I'm  complaining.  



Post gig Tara suggested looking at an Uber cost as the tube trains still had a line out, which we did! Cost abit but we got back to the car much much quicker!
Anyway, it had been a great night! 

Want the set lists as well?
  1. Diamond Head.
  2. Play Video
  3. Play Video
  4. Play Video
  5. Play Video
  6. Play Video
  1. Girlschool   
  2. Play Video
  3. Play Video
  4. Play Video
  5. Play Video
  6. Play Video
  7. (The Gun cover)
    Play Video
  8. (Motörhead cover)
    Play Video

Sunday 26 September 2021

An idiots guide to an idiot: My favourite castle.

An idiots guide to an idiot: My favourite castle.: Do you have a favourite castle?  I do. It's Old Wardour Castle in Wiltshire. It's not the grandest or biggest or best preserved but ...

My favourite castle.

Do you have a favourite castle?  I do. It's Old Wardour Castle in Wiltshire.

It's not the grandest or biggest or best preserved but I like it. I think it was my Mum & Dad who told us about it, they'd found it on  a trip to nearby Shaftesbury. It's been used in films, probably the most famous one being Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves starring Kevin Costner in 1991. For ages they had the sword that Costner had used, I've got photos of the boys holding it. I understand this sword was given to curator when he retired so although they still have a sword that  they say is Robin Hoods, its not! It's a castle that's been knocked about abit. It was laid siege to twice during the English Civil War and that rather sealed it's fate as a castle to live in as it took alot of damage. Later New Wardour Castle was built, though not a castle but a house ( now a school) with the old castle as more or less a folly in the grounds. It's now owned by English Heritage. As I said my Mum & Dad introduced us to the castle and there's a confession I have to make. My Dad carved his name on the wall  of the tower! Strangely enough a while later a sheet of perspex was put over some  old graffiti near his name and it covered his graffiti too!

Some claim to fame, you won't tell anyone will you!  The land around the castle is really nice too. There's a walk encircling it that the nobs from the house would have  ridden their carriages around and also a walk down to the villages of Donhead St Andrew & Donhead St Mary. The latter has links to my family history as my Great Grandfather, George Morgan was born there in 1859 along with most of his five brothers and sisters, and also his Mum Emily (nee Fanner) in 1829.She married my Great Great Grandfather James  Morgan at the church of St Mary's on 23rd October  1858. They must have known the castle and its more than likely they walked the same paths as we have.

So there you have it, my favourite castle. What's yours?

I have lots of photos of us at the castle but can't find one at the moment!