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My Blog List

Sunday 26 September 2021

An idiots guide to an idiot: My favourite castle.

An idiots guide to an idiot: My favourite castle.: Do you have a favourite castle?  I do. It's Old Wardour Castle in Wiltshire. It's not the grandest or biggest or best preserved but ...

My favourite castle.

Do you have a favourite castle?  I do. It's Old Wardour Castle in Wiltshire.

It's not the grandest or biggest or best preserved but I like it. I think it was my Mum & Dad who told us about it, they'd found it on  a trip to nearby Shaftesbury. It's been used in films, probably the most famous one being Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves starring Kevin Costner in 1991. For ages they had the sword that Costner had used, I've got photos of the boys holding it. I understand this sword was given to curator when he retired so although they still have a sword that  they say is Robin Hoods, its not! It's a castle that's been knocked about abit. It was laid siege to twice during the English Civil War and that rather sealed it's fate as a castle to live in as it took alot of damage. Later New Wardour Castle was built, though not a castle but a house ( now a school) with the old castle as more or less a folly in the grounds. It's now owned by English Heritage. As I said my Mum & Dad introduced us to the castle and there's a confession I have to make. My Dad carved his name on the wall  of the tower! Strangely enough a while later a sheet of perspex was put over some  old graffiti near his name and it covered his graffiti too!

Some claim to fame, you won't tell anyone will you!  The land around the castle is really nice too. There's a walk encircling it that the nobs from the house would have  ridden their carriages around and also a walk down to the villages of Donhead St Andrew & Donhead St Mary. The latter has links to my family history as my Great Grandfather, George Morgan was born there in 1859 along with most of his five brothers and sisters, and also his Mum Emily (nee Fanner) in 1829.She married my Great Great Grandfather James  Morgan at the church of St Mary's on 23rd October  1858. They must have known the castle and its more than likely they walked the same paths as we have.

So there you have it, my favourite castle. What's yours?

I have lots of photos of us at the castle but can't find one at the moment!

Saturday 25 September 2021

An idiots guide to an idiot: Musical dearth

An idiots guide to an idiot: Musical dearth:  We had, like everyone else, gigs bounced from last year to this because of Covid  so this year we were expecting most to go ahead. Sadly no...

Musical dearth

 We had, like everyone else, gigs bounced from last year to this because of Covid  so this year we were expecting most to go ahead. Sadly not. Six gigs and a  festival we were set to go to all got bounced to next year with one being cancelled. Actually the festive did go ahead but we couldn't go due to the crap firm I worked for at the time. 

Our last hope for a gig this year was Snake Oil & Harmony ( with Danny Vaughn) in November but that's been cancelled altogether. There are music  events going ahead this year of course  and we'd have gone if the ones we'd booked went ahead ,though  not entirely sold on the idea of going to venues yet to be fair  but never thought I'd get two year of no live music!

Roll on 2022!