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Tuesday 3 August 2021


 A few days away in a coastguards cottage in Saltfleet on the Lincolnshire coast. We can enjoy it properly this time too as there's no pressure of being out of a job, its also far nicer than the place we had in the Peaks a month or so ago, in fact things are looking up. It was a long drive and there's no doubt more people are holidaying in the UK  as there was queues to get into both service areas we tried to stop at!

Had a nice walk from the cottage yesterday that took us over countryside and coastline and much to my pleasure we happened upon a World War Two pillbox. A Lincolnshire 3 chamber pillbox to be exact. Containing a central open area for a light anti aircraft gun and two chambers either side for Bren guns. There is loopholes facing the sea and facing inland. Never used in anger of course but these things do fascinate me. 

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