My Blog List

My Blog List

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Old Headbanger

Being an old Headbanger I was delighted to find one of my old Judas Priest T shirts from about 37 years ago. I was even more pleased to see that it still fits perfectly as you can see from the photo. :)
The T was from their 'British Steel' tour of 1979, a great band.

Dinner and beer

Had dinner with my Bro and his FiancĂ© the other day. Went to a pub near them and had an excellent meal of fish and chips washed down with a pint of  London Pride, a Fullers beer. I had chosen a Beef and Merlot pie -so had my bro and there was only one left! Rather than arm wrestling him for it I went for my second choice which was a good move I think! Got up very early next day (3.30am) to go to a nearby nature reserve to hear the dawn chorus and bird watch. Had a fantastic time and taken round by an expert, my Bro! Heard mainly  Wren,Robin, Blackbird, warbler (forgotten which one) and many others.

Friday 20 May 2016

The start.

This is a not really a guide to anything, just afew random thoughts and probably pictures of things I do. It may be as dull as it sounds!