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Wednesday 10 October 2018

10th October 1918

As the Great War drew to a close alot of the British troops were re-organised. Under manned units were disbanded or amalgamated with others, an infantry brigade formerly formed of four infantry battalions was reduced to three. My Grandad's battalion, the 15/Warwick's was disbanded the personnel going to the 14th & 16th battalions. My Grandad was allotted to the 16th battalion, this date shows a period of great movement:
00.01 hrs.
13th Infantry Brigade Operational Orders No 232 received, Bn would march past starting point at 08.15 Issued  00.220.
Bn moved via trains to St Aubert Farm, Dump Personnel.  B Echelon parted on way to go to Esnes area.
Bn in new area and had dinners
Orders from Brigade to move to Caudry which had only been liberated this morning together with 2500 civilians.
Bn moved.
Bn arrived, billeted in S. outskirts of Caudry.
Dump Personnel rejoined with B Echelon transport.

The German Command were in Caudry until forced pushed out by the British 37th Division. The town had been occupied since 1914, locals were used as slave labour  and around 10000 people were forced out.

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