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Friday 31 August 2018

New albums, new music.

You'll know, if you've read any of my blogs about music that I still get excited when I get hold of a new album. I got three absolute gems earlier on in the year, namely Saxon's album 'Thunderbolt,' Magnum's newy  'Lost on the road to eternity' & Judas Priest's offering of 'Firepower.' Three finer CD's I defy you to find.
I suppose I've got the new album bug as it were. You can pre order most if not all new albums off Amazon so you get it if not the day of release not far after, depending on what you've signed up for and of course what you pay. Admittedly if I waited months & months after release date I could probably, but not always, get the album cheaper but it wouldn't be the same, as good as it may be it would have lost that certain je ne sais quoi. (oooo look at him with his French phrases!)
Long story short, I've pre ordered one or two other new albums from bands I like. I've had another three since I last blogged about them. These are 'Vicious' by Halestorm, 'Forever warriors forever united' by Doro & 'Full Nelson' by Massive Wagons.
 I won't do an in depth thing as I have tried to do with other albums but I hope to give you a flavour in case albeit unlikely, you decide to invest.
Halestorm then, this is their fourth studio album, got abit slated by one critic in Planet Rock magazine for being the same as the previous three though with Halestorm you do know what you're going to get. Is that a bad thing?  I think not. Lzzy Hales has a great Rock/Metal voice and she gives it some welly on this album. It's loud and fiery, not an album you could sleep though. High spots for me are 'Conflicted' and 'Whitedress.' Lzzy's brother Arejay makes a good fist of the drums and the guitar & bass combo of Joseph Hottinger & Josh Smith make this an album that knocks yer socks off. It's probably not as good as their first three albums to be fair but it's worth getting.
Now to Doro or Dorothee Pesch to give her full name. From Germany (where metal  bands seem constantly to be in the ascendance as with alot of Germanic & Norse countries) Known by some people ( not sure who!) as the 'Queen of heavy metal.' With a band called Warlock to start with Doro as an entity took shape in 1990. She's a funny old bird, younger than me but has obviously lived a hard life. Only seen her once and that was as a guest appearance at a Saxon gig! She can belt out a rock/metal number so she's OK by me.
This album is a two disc affair one called 'Forever warriors' the other, not surprisingly 'Forever united.' It's a mixed bag but  has a quality and power that I can't help liking and have had this one playing in the car quite a bit! I have never been a fan of the very low growly vocal that some types of metal band adopted so Johan Hegg's guest appearance on the 'If I can't have you-no one will' has left me cold. It's a good track but ditch the monster type vocal.
Wasn't sure whether I liked Doro's voice to start with but I have to say I really like it now. I only have one other album by Doro and that's a compilation so I've had a taste of what they have done throughout their time and I do like this later stuff. I suppose if 'Forever warriors' has the rocky songs that knock you over then 'Forever united' has a few more ballady type songs '1000 years' being a good example.  I really like this album, so much so that if she toured in the UK I'd try and see her & it's a racing certainty that I'll be investing in more Doro albums.
I have left the best till last, in my humble opinion anyway. Massive Wagons have only been going since 2009 I first heard them when their tribute to the late Rick Parfitt of The Quo was released as a single called 'Back to the stack'. It's a great track and features on this  their forth album. I love the line that goes 'Why don't you raise your glass to Rick cos I'm raising mine.'  Must say I get goosepimples when I hear that line, it's a great tribute song to one of the all time rock n roll beasts. It even mentions two Quo songs in the lyrics 'Blue for you' and 'Down Down.'
 I can't believe I haven't taken notice of this band before, hailing from Lancaster in the NE of England they are quite simply bloody marvellous! I've played and played this album, particularly in the car where I can join in and sound good (really!?) 
 There's not really a duff track on the album 'Last on the list' is another fave, anti religious it fits my profile as well! 'Northern Boy' is a good un too.
So in true Desert Island discs style which of these albums would I rescue if the others got washed away? Has to be Massive Wagons 'Full Nelson.' A verity of tracks that would keep me amused and singing.
That's it really, just afew thoughts on 3 new albums, all well worth a listen. Stay tuned for the new releases from 'Beyond the Black,' 'Uriah Heap,' and  a re-release from The Quireboys! 

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