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Sunday 13 May 2018

The joy of .......Eurovision.

As naff as it usually is I think Eurovision is great! Tara & I have watched most, if not all of them since 1980. It's always been an alternative night in & can be great fun. Afew years ago we had a Eurovision party & got a good number of people, instead of bring a bottle we asked everyone to bring a food of one of the counties taking part. Some of our friends had better imaginations than others, Alan brought baked beans as a traditional English thing, but David excelled himself & seem to bring something from at least half the counties taking part! Anyway we all had a great idea who won though!
Tried to do it again just a couple of years ago & got such a poor response we didn't bother!
Got to say we both thought this years was quite good, there didn't seem quite as much voting for the neighbours & more about voting for the songs. On Taras suggestion  we tried to pick the top three who would win so not necessarily our favourites, the total points that our choices scored in the competition determined which one of us won, the prize being a small gift bought by the loser. My top three were Spain, Denmark & Albania , their points came to 471. Not bad I thought. Taras choices were Germany, Italy & Austria who's points came to 990!So it's me to find a small gift!
However neither of us predicted the real winner in Israel. A complete load of old cobblers if ever there was & very typically Eurovision. Not a bearded lady this time but a short fat bird called Netta making weird noises & dressed as part Japanese Geisha part Christ knows what. Graham Norton added the odd quip and the three & half hours seemed to fly by. Most of a bottle of red wine probably helped, it was a great evening of having a laugh together, can't wait till next year!

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