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Monday 7 May 2018

Bank Holidays

Sitting here after a really nice Bank Holiday weekend.Had another doggie guest over night Saturday /Sunday, a 5 month old German Shepherd pup, a lovely dog but huge! Bigger than Ida already, he was just doing what puppies do and couldn't really have been better but we were both knackered by the time he went home!
Julians birthday on Sunday so we took him the Victoria's Beer Festival which was great fun. 10 ales and two ciders on offer, a nice mix of darker as well as lighter beers as well which is a welcome change, as so many places now seem to go for lighter ales only. Just trying them in half pints, we sat in glorious sunshine in the pub garden (the 'we' being self, Tara & Julian).Tring Beers 'Coley Dog' was one of my faves, quite pokey at 5.2% & of course you know me and my refreshing golden ales and 3 Brewers 'Golden English Ale' fitted the bill perfectly & at 3.8% a good quaffing beer.
Joined for a while by Big Man, always a pleasure to see him, we've known him since  before he was called Big Man and that's a long time! Alittle later Olly joined us as well. Now Oliver likes his cider and partook of the two offerings here, though the cider that was supposed to be apple & elderflower was changed to apple & rhubarb. This one was just nectar, really easy to drink and a great flavour, even if you don't like rhubarb, which Tara as it happens doesn't, but she did like this cider. Ambled  (staggered!?)  back to Ella & Julians & brought kebabs on the way. A great day.
Impromptu BBQ on Monday, not many bods available so just us, Olly & Laura & Ella & Julian.  The usual BBQ type fare, all cooked in the traditional way of burnt to buggery on the outside & raw in the middle. Assorted salads & odds & sods to accompany and pud was, what else but strawberries & cream. Managed to get a couple of  IPA's down my neck as well, perfect for another hot day. A glorious weekend, first of many this summer I trust.

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