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Wednesday 17 January 2018


Another jaunt round Norfolk led to a night away at The Two Lifeboats in Sheringham. A nice place my room even had a sea view but the weather was freezing, fortunately they'd thought to put an extra heater in the room which helped immensely.
Repaired to the bar for a beer, abit lax today as I think the beer I had was called Lifeboat Ale, it was 3.4% in strength but that's all I know! Dinner was a very good leek and potato soup followed by steak pie, veg & chips. All really good. Too stuffed for a pud so called it a day & went back to my room, thought about going for a walk but as I've already said it was freezing so didn't bother!
 I've had better cooked breakfasts to be honest, it wasn't bad but I could have knocked nails in with my sausage! (oh matron!)  journey onwards around Norfolk and home via Mildenhall and whilst driving past the RAF base ( used by the USAF)  an F15 jet just about landed on the roof of the car......well that's what it felt like anyway, looking quickly right I saw it speed along onto the runway, that noise! It really does look and sound like a killing machine, not like a Spitfire for instance, even though of course it was. The growl of a Rolls Royce Merlin engine of a Spit or four of them on a Lancaster is an awesome sound, one that always puts the hairs up on he back of my neck. Not so the F15, it just spoke death and danger. Other than that an uneventful drive back home, pleased to see my new Airbourne  CD, 'No guts no glory' ordered a week ago had arrived as well, an Aussie band that sound alot like AC/DC which is fine by me. I shall enjoy listening to it.
Lifeboat Ale and a read about Norfolk CAMRA

Leek and potato soup

Steak pie, veg and chips

F15 USAF fighter
New CD waiting for me on my return home

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