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Saturday 30 December 2017

Festive stuff.

Well here we are post xmas festivities, had a rare old time I can tell you. Infact that's what I'll do. I'll tell you.That's the point of the blog, to put stuff down 'n that.
Xmas Eve we took a stroll down to The Globe. This was a Real Ale mecca & is still pretty good to be honest, met up with a gaggle of Olly's mates in the shape of Ben & Ross, Alban and Aaron and sundry others & of course Olly & Laura. Gary & Ellie were there, also saw Rory & James & Krystyann & Bev & Lisa & Pete & Linda & Fiona. Also had a good chat with Ian, a great bloke who I don't see very often.
I love it! Meeting up with all these sorts is just brilliant! Haven't got a clue what beers I was drinking  (unlike me) I did know the first couple but then lost track, we'd taken Ida with us who was good as gold infact lots of people wanted to pat her & she even got a couple of biscuits! It was supposed to be a short evening for us, we got there about 6pm & fully intended to leave about 8pm as we had Ida with us............about 11.30pm we thought we'd better hit the road and on the way home we actually met the real Father Christmas, he doesn't exist  I hear you cry, well I thought that too but we met the real man! Tara even pulled his beard to make sure it wasn't fake. Great bloke that Father Christmas.
Xmas Day then, all quiet when I got up at about 8am. Gone are the days of early mornings on Xmas Day, growed ups don't get up early do they?    Treated myself to an excellent brekky of buttered toast, smoked salmon and scrambled egg. Oh yes! Ready for the day! We had a chat to Alec which was great, shouted hello to Laura & her uncle & aunt and cousins, its a real comfort for us this year that Alec & Laura are getting a proper family Christmas in 27 degrees no less!
We did things differently this year & for our Xmas Dinner we were going to the excellent Chez Jerome restaurant in Dunstable. Eight of us round the table. Me, the Memsahib, Ella, Julian, Gary, Ellie, Beren & Reece (or Rayleigh) . Chez Jerome didn't let us down and an excellent meal was had by all. I went pretty traditional with a turkey dinner & xmas pud but others had lamb or fish  and chocolate or jelly for pudding and many other things. Got back to ours later in the afternoon having picked up Oliver & Laura from Laura's house. I elected to drive today, we were leaving the young ones at ours & staying overnight at Ella & Julians. Much merriment and nonsense went on with a few daft games played. Now you know me & games, however I did take part in afew but was also quite happily getting all the grub ready for tea.
 We left them to it about 1am, got back to E&J's & had a beer with Julian then retired. It had been a great day, my only criticism would be is that I missed something of the chaos of Christmas Dinner

at home, don't get me wrong we had a feast at Chez Jerome but it was different and not quiet as good.
Boxing Day. Not up so early today, a leisurely repast and walked Ida. Back to base alittle later & set off for Gary & Ellies about 4pm. They did us proud again of course. They are fantastic hosts, loads to eat and loads to drink. I stuck to beer not wishing to repeat my faux pas of last year. A very nice beer of about 4% called Number Nine I think, very palatable and very moreish!
Everyone else was knocking back the gins ( Tara, Gary, Ellie, Olly, Laura Beren & Julian but they were driving later so only had one) Some of the games, well questions got funnier as the night went on, Ellie was having to get up at 4.30am for a flight to Scotland to se

e her family so knocked it on the head earlier than us, but not that much earlier! Retired at stupid o'clock after another brilliant day!
The following as an assortment of piccys over the festive type  period.    

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