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Saturday 4 November 2017

A Field in England.

A strange little film that I was attracted to for two reasons. Reece Shearsmith (he of The League of Gentlemen & Inside No.9) starred, and I like what he's done, and the era of the English Civil War (mid 17th century) in which the film is set is one that interests me greatly.  Oh, it was shot in black & white as well so another reason to like it!
Shearsmith is an alchemist called Whitehead who's master is killed in battle. He joins up with a couple of deserters who all traipse across a field. It's a bloody great field as well, much bigger than they would have had in that era I think. A stew made with mushrooms send two of them off their rockers. There's a strange Irishman called O'Neill who uses Whiteheads 'powers' to locate buried treasure in this field, this character has also stolen items from Whiteheads masters library, & Whitehead, a coward and big wimp was charged with bringing him back to Norwich to face the music, oh yes, and occasionally the action stops completely and all the characters hold their poses as if in a tableau.
 They all end up dead except Whitehead who dons the hat and cape of the O'Neill, picks up the papers that O'Neill stole and heads back to the sound of battle. There he see's the other characters who he has just buried which is supposed to suggest that he too is still under the effect of mushrooms he has eaten in the field. Fin.
It's ninety minutes of not alot happening really but there was always the possibility that something would, it whiled away the time I suppose but I wouldn't watch it again. When it was released in 2013 it  simultaneously went into cinemas, home media and video on demand also being broadcast on Channel 4.

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