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Sunday 22 October 2017

"The Immortal Memory of Lord Nelson and those who fell with him"

That was the toast we drank in memory of Lord Horatio Nelson on Trafalgar  Night at The Star at St Marys in the Marsh in Kent in the company of the fantastic Romney Marsh Morris on the 21st October, the very date of the battle that was fought in 1805.
An evening of sea shanties and old songs sung with mucho gusto by the Morris with the chorus belted out by everyone else, what an absolutely fantastic night we had!
The enthusiasm of the side shone through backed by an excellent group of musicians including a couple of fine violin solos by Tom finishing with, of course the sailors hornpipe.
It was interesting to note, that  amongst our number was an 'old salt' who knew all the songs, learnt in the Royal Navy of the 1970's. Despite losing 'the tot' it was good to hear that some  traditions still prevail!  
'All around my hat' the old Steeleye Span standard was sung by our own dear friend  Kas, a song our boys will remember from singing in the car enroute to Eastbourne, even though they may not admit it these days!! 
It was an evening we both thoroughly enjoyed, good company, good songs, good beer. What could be better? Rule Britannia!   

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