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Monday 19 June 2017

The joy of........Fathers Day

Had a Fathers Day text from Alec when I got up which was nice, and the start of a really good day. We popped over to see Julian  and gave him his Fathers day stuff and came back home.Oliver & Gary wanted to take me out for some lunch and combine it with bit of a walk, the weather is glorious so that's what we did.
Walked from home up to the Downs then along past the cafĂ© bit the towards the Tree Cathedral, a nice shady path took us down the route & taking a left before you get that far and you come out near the Old Hunters Lodge in Whipsnade which was our destination.
Gary got the beers in, 'Chief  Jester' for himself, a  beer from Farr Brewery from Wheathampstead  so it hadn't travelled that far, 'Strongbow cloudy apple cider' for Oliver and a very acceptable pint of 'Tawny Owl' by Cotleigh Brewery from Somerset. 3.8% that positively sizzled as I drank it, as did the boy's drinks, were we hot by the time we arrived! Really good walk though, we took a table in the garden in as such shade as we could find and chatted and yarned. Eventually took menus to see what was what, I was Mr Predictable and had fish & chips, both boys had chilli. All cooked really well and absolutely delicious. I was feeling very spoilt as neither Gary or Oliver would let me put my hand in my pocket to get them a beer. Still very hot & I took shoes & socks off, I eventually was allowed to  buy the beers so went to the bar without shoes or socks, paid a 'visit' first, the cool tiles on the floor were lovely on the feet, however when I told Gary & Olly they just guffawed as to what I might have walked through! It really wasn't like that! Anyway, much to my delight Tawny Owl had been replaced with Tring Brewery's  'Ridgeway' 4%, a nice mid brown colour with that hoppyness I like. We got talking about the Ridgeway long distance footpath, still one I'd like to do. Gary reckoned on 30 miles in a day! I don't think so but could probably do more than the 10 miles a day I first thought, I'd really love to do it but it wouldn't be cheap & not something Tara would want to do. Well, afternoon turned into evening and Ellie very kindly picked us up & delivered Olly & me home. It had been a fantastic day and I felt very spoilt. We'll have to do it again! 


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