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Friday 30 June 2017

Night before The Somme. 30th June 1916

Another one of my periodic looks at the war diaries of both my Grandad's who served in World War One. Both took part in the Battle of the Somme, one going over the top, the other waiting to charge through and exploit the gaps the infantry were supposed to make in the German lines.
So here it is , the verbatim entries from the diaries.
G2104 L/Cpl Alfred Gowers MM 2nd Bn The Middlesex Regiment.
Long Valley.Battalion moved up to assembly positions in front and support lines. Every man carrying 220 rounds of SAA ( small arms ammunition) two mills bombs ( hand grenades) and two sandbags. Every third man had a pick or a shovel. Packs were left behind and haversacks were worn on the shoulders.
1901 Pte William Morgan 1st (Kings) Dragoon Guards.
Serricourt. The regiment with A and B Echelons marched at 9.30am via Arbre and Bouquemaison to the new billeting area at Grouches arriving at 11.30am.The Dismounted men under Lieut RG Fox marched at 1.15pm to Rebruve and billeted there.

So the stage was set for the following morning for the blackest day the british Army had ever known.
 The 2/Middlesex would suffer heavy casualties the KDG's would be at 2 hours notice to move. An order that never came.

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