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Sunday 19 February 2017

Limehouse Lizzy

Thin Lizzy were a tremendous band sadly of course no more with the death of Phil Lynott an unbelievable 31 years ago! Scott Gorham plays with Black Star Riders, Gary Moore alas no longer around & not sure about the other former members so someone, somewhere  needs to uphold the Thin Lizzy banner. Step up to the microphones 'Limehouse Lizzy.' I don't know about you, but when I initially think 'tribute band' I think second rate & just plays pubs. That's very unfair. The tributes I've seen have all been second to none, other than the original artists of course, I've seen both the 'Illegal Eagles' & 'The Australian Pink Floyd Experience' both of whom were very good indeed.
In a way I guess seeing a tribute band is better than seeing the original. They want to sound like the band they are taking off & tracks sound like they are straight off the album whereas the original could add a few 'twiddly bits,' a tribute band won't do that.
So that's what I think of tribute bands anyway, always well worth seeing.
 'Limehouse Lizzy' played at The Stables in Wavendon on Wednesday, its a great little venue, full capacity is 398 seated and another 50 standing, whilst all the seats were taken there wasn't the full amount standing. Those who were included a couple of dyed in the wool Thin Lizzy fans well into their 50's happy to headbang & join in the riffs with their air guitars,& who am I to knock them?  They had a good night & so did we. 'We' being Self, Tara, Julian & Kevin & met a customer from MK there, Dave & Clare.
Got there much too early but on the positive side it meant we were parked near the auditorium, also no crush at the bar were a very pleasant pint of Doombar was partaken.
Timing at most gigs these days are pretty good, with curfews and fines for going over them has made venues are better time keepers so Limehouse Lizzy came on at 8pm. There was an interval which was bit of a surprise, helped swell the Stables bar coffers I reckon,it finished about 11pm I think.
They played all the barn stormers you'd expect and want to here: Waitin'  for an alibi, Jonny the Fox, Bad Reputation, Whiskey in the jar, Rosalie, The Boys are back in town, Jailbreak, The Rocker & a nod to Gary Moore with Parisienne Walkways plus all the tracks I've forgotten, there's more than one Thin Lizzy tribute band as Limehouse had 'borrowed' a guitarist from a band form Liverpool I think to stand in for their guitarist who has had a op, you wouldn't have known it, they really seemed a very tight band with some amusing banter from  the main man, Wayne Ellis who did a very Impersonation of PL. All in all it was a great  gig, I'd see them again!    

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