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Sunday 29 January 2017

The Sunday Indian

We had dinner with Paul & Kate today originally to be at their house but after all the problems they've had since a dickhead plumber cocked up a simple job and managed to flood most of their downstairs their kitchen has now been taken out and they have industrial fans and extractor units installed today to dry it all out. Its all in the hands of their insurers  & will be sorted out, but they have to get there first! Both are in very good spirits and are not downhearted much to their credit! They will of course look back and laugh once its all back in place, the plus side is the redecoration will be done to their specifications.
Away plan B was called upon so we went to Paul & Kates local Indian called the Nabab and very good it was. They have a Sunday Buffet style offering, one price and you help yourself, must admit I was pretty hungry so tucked in and forgot to photograph anything, so the attached piccy is thanks to Tara! She had a good selection to choose from as well, all washed down with a pint of Cobra. A very good meal, we'll go there again!
Back to Paul & Kates for a cuppa & general chitchat. Paul did the big Garden Birdwatch as well as already mentioned in yesterdays blog, it was interesting seeing all the Greylag geese over in the field they back onto. I must admit Paul & Kate haven't sold us the idea of staying in a bothy! They stayed in one on Exmoor over New Year. No heating, no electric but they enjoyed it. I get the idea of enjoying the solitude but not the cold, they've already booked similar for Xmas & Boxing Days this year.
Paul has suggested I go down again in May to see the dawn chorus at his local nature reserve which sounds good, discuss nearer the time, we also spoke about my ongoing pipedream of walking The Ridgeway from Ivinghoe Beacon to near Avebury (about 80 miles) and also of walking Hadrian's Wall (60 miles). Might get a few takers interested in doing it as well, or it might be like Last of the Summer Wine! Logistics is the problem, I don't want to carry a tent so would want to B&B, hostel & pub it so what sounds like a cheap outing probably isn't. Also I don't want a route march, I want to be able to enjoy what we see, maybe linger awhile, particularly on Hadrian's Wall I think,
anyway we'll see what happens.
A good day and it was great  seeing Paul & Kate.
Taras dinner of Onion bhaji, rice, veg curry, salad.

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