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Tuesday 4 October 2016

An afternoon on the railways

Went on the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway today. Picked it up from just outside Stan & Kas's. The engine 'Winston Churchill' was pulling on our outward journey, built in 1931 it's still going strong. Trundled along to Hythe taking in the views which are lovely when in opens out, interested to see two pillboxes  from the train, type 22 & 24 I think, these were part of the 6500 pillboxes built during the Second World War. Photo shows the St Marys Bay pillbox a type 22/FW3 that was improved with thicker walls to be shell proof. I read a story about troops using pillboxes for training, however on opening fire with a heavy machine gun the noise was so terrible the crew elected to place the gun on the roof!
Also spotted the famous Romney Marsh sheep doing their thing in various fields.
Alighted at Hythe which is the end of the line and walked along the Royal Military Canal towards the town centre. The canal is another interesting defence structure. Completed in 1809, it wasn't as long or as wide as first intended to keep 'Old bony' at bay , of  course he never invaded and the canal  became bit of a white elephant, though in world war two the Germans planned to land a brigade of paratroops to secure it.
Into Hythe and went to 'Truly Scrumious'  a tea rooms that actually does cater for wheat intolerance, not just putting up signs that say the do! Excellent Lemon Drizzle cake and Apple & Cinnamon  cake plus coffee's partaken here then off for a potter round. Met various local loons, a woman who talked to herself , or was she talking to her dog? and a bloke with two small dogs who visit all the charity shops for their biscuit  treats. Dogs hurtling in before he's even off his bike, brilliant! 
Time went all too quickly and we made our way back to the station. This time 'Hurricane' was the engine, older than 'Winston Churchill' built in 1926.
The trains stopped at New Romney before Romney Sands where we wanted to go so Kas kindly  met us at the station.
Lovely roast dinner followed by a musical evening  by the  musicians from the newly formed  Romney Marsh Morrismen , follow this link for more info!  

Memsahib waiting at Romney Sands station at 'Winston Churchill' approaches. 

'Hurricane' on the return journey.

Lypmne castle I think.

The famous Romney Marsh sheep

Pillbox from train.

Stan on melodeon, Dan on guitar. Matt bottle! 

Stan and Dan.

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