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My Blog List

Sunday 11 September 2016


'Another border to get through,
Another tube of superglue,
I'm driving like a maniac,
Drive the way to hell & back,
Another room, a case to pack.'
So sayeth Lemmy in the words to 'We are the road crew' from one of my favourite Motorhead albums 'Ace of Spades.'
The only link to this blog piece is the last line as I have been on my travels again this time to North Wales & Shropshire. Up very early  on Tuesday morning and in Llandudno my about 9.30am. Offered a cup of coffee at my first appointment, great! From there  to Conwy a lovely coastal town with a medieval wall still intact. Sadly just never have the time to look round these places. A quick jaunt to Porthmadog then its down the old coaching road of the A5 into Shropshire. Strange to think we live alittle further down the A5!  It's a lovely drive through North Wales  if the weather is at least reasonable  which it was, stopped at Oswestry then onto a couple of accounts in Shrewsbury & done for the day. Clocked up around 320 miles.
Stopover for tonight a pub cum hotel called the Mytton & Mermaid at Atcham a couple of miles outside of Shrewsbury. Stayed here once before a while ago, I tend not to go back repeatedly to the same place, it's nice to explore!
Stuff put in room then to finish work emails etc which I do in the bar with a very fine pint of '1066' to keep me company, though not for long! It's a  local brew  by Battlefield Brewery in Shrewsbury, at 4.2% it slipped down a treat after a long day. Quite a rich tasting beer & a good nut brown colour.
Thought it was all going to go terribly wrong when I came down later  for dinner, stood at the bar for ages even though a couple of staff had walked by however eventually met with a apology and they never looked back, although I asked to change my table as I was sat in what felt like the middle of the restaurant with all un-sundry walking past 'Billy no mates' with his book & IPad. Got a nice table in the corner and settled down for dinner.
Determined to have a change tonight I had Cauliflower & Stilton soup for starters with a large cheesy crouton in the middle of it & very tasty it was too.
Main meal was a trio of Wenlock Edge sausages with thyme & sage  mash, veg & shallot gravy. 'Yum' would be the best description for this meal all washed down with a pint of another local beer '3 Tuns Pale Ale' by the Bishop Castle Brewery , very nice but as the name suggests a pale ale so finished up with another pint of '1066.'
Absolutely no room to do a pud justice so knocked it on the head & retired to bed. Not such an early start next morning, just as well.
'Three Tuns' Pale Ale.

Cauliflower & Stilton soup.

Trio of Wenlock Edge sausages with all the trimmings.

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